2017-09-11 10:10:35 -07:00

2.2 KiB

white rabbit

gitgalaxy shield follow

podcast rss generator and cms in golang


to produce a product that is easy to deploy and easier to use when hosting a podcast from ones own servers.


  • auto-generate rss feed
  • flat-file directory structure
  • human readable files
  • self publishing interface w/ password protection
  • basic frontend for listening to episodes
  • custom css and themeing capabilities
  • json feed generation for easier parsing
  • docker support


github.com/gmemstr/feeds this branch contains some fixes for "podcast specific" tags





make install


go get github.com/gmemstr/feeds
go get github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify
go get github.com/spf13/viper
go get github.com/gorilla/mux
go build webserver.go generate_rss.go admin.go

file format

white rabbit uses a flat file structure for managing podcast episodes. as such, files have a special naming convention.

for podcast audio files, filenames take the form of YEAR-MONTH-DAY followed by the title. The two values are seperated by underscores (YYYY-MM-DD_TITLE.mp3).

shownote fils are markdown formatted and simply append _SHOWNOTES.md to the existing filename (sans .mp3 of course).


there are several commands in the Makefile, for various reasons. (commands are preceded by the make command)

  • all - also works by just running make, compiles go code to executable
  • windows - creates named compiled .exe
  • linux - creates named compiled binary
  • install - installs go dependencies
  • docker - build docker image for running elsewhere
  • and run - build and run the executable (remove .exe in file for *nix)