2022-05-14 14:07:43 +01:00

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Creating an Artist's Website

So my girlfriend is doing comissions…

If you're coming to this post expecting some magical journey into the design and implementation of some fancy abstract website, I'm sorry to disappoint - this will instead be a relatively technical post about building out a very simple web frontend for both displaying comission information, building out an API (or more specifically, a headless content management system) for managing a few specific bits of content on said site (including images and text. Yay!), and the trials and tribulations of deploying said API, which includes a rewrite from TypeScript to Go.

A little more background, to clarify who the artist in question is and their use case. My girlfriend has recently been taking on some art comissions, specifically around texturing avatars for VRChat. To make life easier, I decided to create a website for her that she could direct potential clients to, allowing them to have a look at the work she's completed, pricing estimates, and contact information. It began life as a simply gallery of photos, but didn't quite fit the above goals, and thus a plan was born (after consultation with the client) - custom made information sheets for each character, paired with a little blurb about what was done to reach the end product. The goal of having it be editable through an interface rather than manually editing HTML was forefront in my mind, so early into this design I opted to store the information as a static object in the JavaScript, intending to swap it out later. Frontend isn't really my speciality, so we'll say that it was relatively straightforward to put together and move on to the exciting piece - the API.

My initial reaction was to leverage CloudFlare Page's functions feature, which allows the creation of "serverless" functions alongside the static website (they also offer dedicated "Workers", but these appear to be intended as standalone endpoints rather than being developed in tandem with the site). Storing the comission sheets and the associated data was easy with the K/V store offered to the functions, but I began to encounter issues as soon as files got involved. While the runtime the functions are contained in seems complete, it's a bit deceptive - in this instance, I found that the File / Blob API simply didn't exist, which put a big block in front of my plan to more or less proxy the image over to the GitHub repository, allowing me to store the images for free and very easily link and load them. Unfortunately, GitHub's API requires the contents of the files to be base64 encoded, and the limitations of the function's runtime environment made this difficult. I did manage to get the files to upload, but it would transform into a text file rather than the PNG it should be.

After wrestling with this problem for a day, attempting various changes, I decided to throw the whole function idea into the bin and look at a traditional long-running server process, and ditched the idea of storing files in GitHub as it would only lead to frustrations when trying to do development and push changes, opting instead for Backblaze's B2 offering (mostly because I'd used it before and the pricing was reasonable, paired with the free bandwidth as it goes through CloudFlare). Not wanting to pass up and opportunity to pick up at least one new technology, I opted to leverage's free plan. My initial impression of was limited, having only read a handful of their blog posts, but upon further inspection (and I'm still standing by this after using the product for a while) it felt more like an evolved, but less mature, Heroku, offering a very similar fashion of deployment but with some added niceties like persistant volumes and free custom domains.

The first prototype leveraged SQLite with a persistant volume, since I didn't expect to need anythinig more complex - a flat file structure would have been fine, but where's the fun in that? And this actually worked fine, but I quickly found out that during deploys, the API would be unavailable as it updated to the latest version, and I figured the best way to resolve this would be to scale up to 2 instances of the app, so there would always be one instance available as the update rolled out. Ah! The keen eyed reader may say. "How will you replicate the SQLite database?" This… was a problem I had not considered, and thus went looking for answers to avoid spinning up a hosted database. With having just aquired a company that builds a product specifically for this purpose, I figure this feature may be coming in the future, but after a little digging I decided to opt for a PostgreSQL database running on Blissfully easy to set up, with two commands required to create the database then create a connection string for the app itself, injected as an environment variable. After some manual migration (there were only a few records to migrate, so better sooner than later) and a deployment to swap over to the postgres datbase in the Go app, we were off to the races! Deployments now don't take the API offline, and I can scale up as I need without worrying about replicating the SQLite datbase. Success!

sidenote: this codebase is unlike to be open sourced anytime soon because it's… real messy. but keep an eye on my Mastodon

I know I've glossed over the file storage with Backblaze B2 a bit, but it's not really anything to note as exciting. The setup with CloudFlare was largely a standard affair with some DNS entries and URL rules, and leveraging the S3 API and Go libraries made it a breeze to setup in the API itself. It's "fast enough", with caching, and the peering agreements between CloudFlare and Backblaze mean I only pay for the storage, which is much less than it would cost to use some other S3-compatible provider (say, AWS itself).

My current task is getting the admin panel up to snuff, but it's very functional at the moment and easy enough for my girlfriend to use to update the content of the site, so at this point I'm satisfied with the current result. I now await further instructions.