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title: My Career
date: 2015-10-23
This is less of a resumé and more of a look back at some of the projects
I've been involved in, most of which failed -- and *usually* not
because of me.
I believe my first ever attempt to make a name for myself was as part of
the long-defunct "NK Team".
> [I was involved pretty early on](
I joined on because of my "skills" (aka I knew how to do
HTML -- barely) to develop the website. I also became their PR person,
handling the Twitter account. It went okay, honestly. We were building a
prison Minecraft server and actually had a fairly nice sized community
built up. It fell apart when I left after realizing where things were
headed, and that Andrew, the leader, was a complete and utter *dick*.
> [Last ever tweet from the account](
I believe my second team I joined was Team Herobrine, a modding team my
cousin was already a part of.
> [Tweet](
It was attempting to bring an Aether-level mod that featured
"Herobrine's Realm". And looking back, it was doomed from the start. The
lead was a kid probably around 11 (I honestly don't remember) who, while
he did create an actual working mod that I tested myself, I am convinced
he just took some sample code and threw it together. It really went
nowhere, and eventually fell apart when the lead developer stopped
showing up on Skype. Honestly, it was a cool project that did have
I don't quite remember what order some of these projects/groups come in,
but this was around the time Team Herobrine was dying off. My friends
and I from high school decided we wanted to make our own Minecraft
server, named Tactical Kingdom.
> [](
It actually got pretty far in -- we were pretty much ready to launch,
but then our host disappeared in a puff of smoke, taking with it our
hard work and money. I still haven't learned to do frequent backups of
anything though. (You can go check out the crappy website courtesy of
the WayBack Machine [here](
I pause here to reflect and try to recall what else I did. I honestly
can't remember. I did some solo projects, mostly bad maps nobody should
Later on, more recently, I applied to be a map builder for the infamous
SwampMC server, where I met some wonderful people, on of which I now
hold very close to my heart.
(Sadly, I can't find the first Tweet from when I joined.)
It was a cool community with some awesome people. But sometimes awesome
people don't work well together, especially when people overlap in
power. Power struggles caused the server, and the spinoff HydroMC (or
HydroGamesMC depending who you ask) to disappear, the group of friends
once dedicated to it now completely disintegrated. There is a bright
side to it though. While working on it, I became the developer, and
developed my coding ability, which has landed me as CTO of Creator
> [Tweet](
Which is utterly fantastic. I do enjoy developing things on my own, but
I do like having guidelines and rules to follow from time to time too.
There's probably other projects I was involved with that I have
forgotten. If any come to mind, I'll probably do a follow up post about
them. And to any wondering about Total Block SMP, that's something I
will be discussing later.