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title: Making a link shortner
date: 2015-10-26
My first thought when I got the following message
> Also, do you know how to make a URL shortner?
was *yes, probably, all things considered*. The last two days I'm been
working on it, and it's turned out semi-well. There's a bug or two that
needs fixing, but I figured I could post a short tutorial on how to do a
simple one.
Right, I'm assuming a few things:
- [You have a web server]{#6644}
- [You have a short domain/subdomain]{#0b99}
- [You have MySQL & PhpMyAdmin]{#f238}
- [You know how to use PHP]{#91de}
With that out of the way, let's set up our MySQL database. You'll need a
table called **links**, in which it should have the columns laid out
like so:
- actual [text]
- short [text] (no other special values are required)
Now, in our file named shorten.php (which you should download
[here](, we need to edit a few things, first, make sure you change the PDO to connect to your database. Also, change
$b = generate_random_letters(5);
to be any length you'd like. Lastly, make sure
is the domain or subdomain of your site.
Great! Now that we can create short links, we need to interpret them. In
long.php ([link](, change the first
to redirect to your main website. This will redirect users to the main
website if there is no short link.
Fantastic, you're all done! As a bonus though, you can use a .htaccess
file to tidy up your URL.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ long.php?short=$1 [NC,L]
So instead of **, it will be
That's all for today :)
#### Files index:
[shorten.php -- GhostBin](
[long.php -- GhostBin](
[.htaccess -- GhostBin](