VR Event Tracker === Adapter for VRChat API instance data and VRCDN API to Prometheus metrics. Very budget version of [VEMS](https://github.com/kakious/vems-monitor), which can be viewed as a more complete solution. This is mostly for fun and learning. A dashboard is provided in `grafana/dashboard.json`. Not a lot of metrics are collected at the moment. Just the ones I care about. ## Configuration Configuration is done with a `config.toml` file with the following format: ```toml instances = [ { name = "optional instance name" , url = "https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_123&instanceId=123" }, { name = "another instance" , instance = "234" , world = "wrld_234" } ] vrcdn = "vrcdn_stream_name" ``` Instances can either be the URL or instance and world ID seperated out, the later taking priority over the former. Runs on port `6534`, on all interfaces. May be configurable in the future.