.. title:: UDPT UDPT ==== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: :numbered: :hidden: building udpt udpt.conf restapi.rst UDPT is a lightweight UDP torrent tracker written in C++, it implements BEP15_ of the BitTorrent protocol. This project was developed with simplicity and security in mind. Unlike most tracker, UDPT will save you bandwidth from all that TCP overhead. Features -------- * UDP protocol based tracker * :doc:`Simple INI configuration file ` * :doc:`HTTP REST API ` * SQLite3 database, support for in-*:memory:*. * Logging * Linux daemon / Windows Service * Choice of *static* or *dynamic* tracker modes * Works with Windows, Linux and FreeBSD Licenses & 3rd party libraries ------------------------------ UDPT is released under GPLv3_, and uses GPLv3 compatible libraries: * SQLite3, released under the public domain. * Boost, released under the `BOOST LICENSE`_. * libevent, released under the `3-clause BSD license`_. Contributing ------------ Feel free to submit `issues `_, `PRs `_ or donations! .. seealso:: `CONTRIBUTING `_ .. image:: _static/bitcoin-qr.png :alt: bitcoin:1KMeZvcgnmWdHitu51yEFWBNcSTXL1eBk3 `bitcoin:1KMeZvcgnmWdHitu51yEFWBNcSTXL1eBk3 `_ Author ------ UDPT's development started November 20th, 2012 by Naim A. (`@naim94a`_). .. _BEP15: http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0015.html .. _GPLv3: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html .. _BOOST LICENSE: http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt .. _3-clause BSD license: http://libevent.org/LICENSE.txt .. _@naim94a: https://github.com/naim94a/