Recreated HTTP server...

This commit is contained in:
Naim A 2013-03-10 23:18:37 +02:00
parent 6666d795e3
commit 876f2da5b7
3 changed files with 664 additions and 470 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright © 2012,2013 Naim A.
* Copyright © 2013 Naim A.
* This file is part of UDPT.
@ -17,315 +17,486 @@
* along with UDPT. If not, see <>.
#include "httpserver.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "../tools.h"
#include <map>
#include "httpserver.hpp"
#define REQBUFFSZ 2048 // enough for all headers.
using namespace std;
namespace UDPT
namespace API
namespace Server
/* HTTPServer */
HTTPServer::HTTPServer (uint16_t port, int threads)
int r;
this->thread_count = threads;
this->threads = new HANDLE [threads];
this->threads = new HANDLE[threads];
this->isRunning = false;
SOCKADDR_IN endpoint;
endpoint.sin_family = AF_INET;
endpoint.sin_port = m_hton16(port);
endpoint.sin_addr.s_addr = 0L;
this->sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (this->sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
throw APIException("Invalid Socket");
r = bind(this->sock, (SOCKADDR*)&endpoint, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
if (r == SOCKET_ERROR)
throw APIException("Failed to bind port.");
this->isRunning = true;
this-> = "";
this->rootNode.callback = NULL;
this->srv = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (this->srv == INVALID_SOCKET)
throw ServerException (1, "Failed to create Socket");
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = 0L;
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_port = htons (port);
r = bind (this->srv, (SOCKADDR*)&sa, sizeof(sa));
if (r == SOCKET_ERROR)
throw ServerException (2, "Failed to bind socket");
this->isRunning = true;
for (int i = 0;i < threads;i++)
#ifdef WIN32
this->threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&HTTPServer::doServe, (LPVOID)this, 0, NULL);
this->threads[i] = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_thread_start, this, 0, NULL);
pthread_create (&this->threads[0], NULL, HTTPServer::doServe, (void*)this);
pthread_create (&this->threads[i], NULL, &HTTPServer::_thread_start, this);
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD HTTPServer::doServe (LPVOID arg)
DWORD HTTPServer::_thread_start (LPVOID arg)
void* HTTPServer::doServe (void* arg)
void* HTTPServer::_thread_start (void *arg)
HTTPServer *srv = (HTTPServer*)arg;
HTTPServer *s = (HTTPServer*)arg;
try {
HTTPServer::handleConnections (s);
} catch (ServerException &se)
cerr << "SRV ERR #" << se.getErrorCode() << ": " << se.getErrorMsg () << endl;
goto doSrv;
return 0;
void HTTPServer::handleConnections (HTTPServer *server)
int r;
#ifdef linux
socklen_t addrSz;
#ifdef WIN32
int addrSz;
socklen_t addrSz;
addrSz = sizeof (addr);
SOCKET conn;
while (srv->isRunning)
while (server->isRunning)
r = listen (srv->sock, SOMAXCONN);
r = listen (server->srv, 50);
if (r == SOCKET_ERROR)
throw APIException("Failed to listen");
addrSz = sizeof (addr);
conn = accept(srv->sock, &addr, &addrSz);
if (conn == INVALID_SOCKET)
#ifdef WIN32
Sleep (500);
sleep (1);
addrSz = sizeof addr;
cli = accept (server->srv, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, &addrSz);
if (cli == INVALID_SOCKET)
Response resp (cli); // doesn't throw exceptions.
try {
Request req = Request (conn, &addr);
Response resp = Response (conn);
HTTPServer::handleConnection(srv, &req, &resp);
} catch (...) {
cout << "ERR OCC" << endl;
#ifdef WIN32
return 0;
return NULL;
void HTTPServer::handleConnection (HTTPServer *srv, Request *req, Response *resp)
Request req (cli, &addr); // may throw exceptions.
reqCallback *cb = getRequestHandler (&server->rootNode, req.getPath());
if (cb == NULL)
// follow path...
serveNode *cNode = &srv->rootNode;
list<string>::iterator it;
for (it = req->path.begin();(it != req->path.end() && cNode != NULL);it++)
if ((*it).length() == 0)
continue; // same node.
map<string, serveNode>::iterator np;
np = cNode->children.find((*it));
if (np == srv->rootNode.children.end())
cNode = NULL;
// error 404
resp.setStatus (404, "Not Found");
resp.addHeader ("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=US-ASCII");
stringstream stream;
stream << "<html>";
stream << "<head><title>Not Found</title></head>";
stream << "<body><h1>Not Found</h1><div>The server couldn't find the request resource.</div><br /><hr /><div style=\"font-size:small;text-align:center;\">&copy; 2013 Naim A. | ContactMe server</div></body>";
stream << "</html>";
string str = stream.str();
resp.write (str.c_str(), str.length());
cNode = &np->second;
if (cNode->callback != NULL)
cNode->callback (req, resp);
// TODO: add HTTP error handler (404 NOT FOUND...)
cout << "Page Not Found" << endl;
list<string> HTTPServer::split (const string str, const string del, int limit)
try {
cb (server, &req, &resp);
} catch (...)
list<string> lst;
// error 500
} catch (ServerException &e)
// Error 400 Bad Request!
unsigned s, e;
s = e = 0;
closesocket (cli);
void HTTPServer::addApp (list<string> *path, reqCallback *cb)
list<string>::iterator it = path->begin();
appNode *node = &this->rootNode;
while (it != path->end())
map<string, appNode>::iterator se;
se = node->nodes.find (*it);
if (se == node->nodes.end())
node->nodes[*it].callback = NULL;
node = &node->nodes[*it];
node->callback = cb;
HTTPServer::reqCallback* HTTPServer::getRequestHandler (appNode *node, list<string> *path)
appNode *cn = node;
list<string>::iterator it = path->begin(),
end = path->end();
map<string, appNode>::iterator n;
while (true)
e = str.find(del, s);
if (e == string::npos || limit - 1 == 0)
e = str.length();
lst.push_back(str.substr(s, e - s));
if (e >= str.length() || limit - 1 == 0)
s = e + del.length();
return lst;
void HTTPServer::addApplication (const string path, srvCallback *callback)
if (it == end)
list<string> p = split (path, "/");
list<string>::iterator it;
serveNode *node = &this->rootNode;
for (it = p.begin();it != p.end();it++)
if ((*it).length() == 0)
continue; // same node...
node = &node->children[*it];
node->name = *it;
node->callback = callback;
return cn->callback;
n = cn->nodes.find (*it);
if (n == cn->nodes.end())
return NULL; // node not found!
cn = &n->second;
return NULL;
HTTPServer::~HTTPServer ()
if (this->srv != INVALID_SOCKET)
closesocket (this->srv);
if (this->isRunning)
this->isRunning = false;
for (int i = 0;i < this->thread_count;i++)
#ifdef WIN32
TerminateThread(this->threads[i], 0);
TerminateThread (this->threads[i], 0x00);
pthread_detach (this->threads[i]);
pthread_cancel (this->threads[i]);
delete[] this->threads;
cout << "ST" << endl;
HTTPServer::Request::Request(SOCKET sock, const SOCKADDR *sa)
/* HTTPServer::Request */
HTTPServer::Request::Request (SOCKET cli, const SOCKADDR_IN *addr)
this->sock = sock;
this->sock_addr = sa;
this->conn = cli;
this->addr = addr;
this->parseRequest ();
void HTTPServer::Request::loadAndParse ()
inline static char* nextReqLine (int &cPos, char *buff, int len)
char buffer [REQBUFFSZ];
int r;
this->httpVersion.major = 0;
this->httpVersion.minor = 0;
this->requestMethod = RM_UNKNOWN;
this->query.clear ();
this->str_requestMethod = "";
r = recv (this->sock, buffer, REQBUFFSZ, 0);
if (r <= 0)
throw APIException("No data received from client.");
string request = string (buffer);
list<string> lines = HTTPServer::split(request, "\r\n");
list<string>::iterator it, begin, end;
begin = lines.begin();
end = lines.end();
for (it = begin;it != end;it++)
for (int i = cPos;i < len - 1;i++)
if (it == begin)
if (buff[i] == '\r' && buff[i + 1] == '\n')
list<string> hLine = HTTPServer::split(*it, " ");
if (hLine.size() < 3)
throw APIException("Bad Request");
this->str_requestMethod = hLine.front();
string httpVersion = hLine.back();
if (strncmp(httpVersion.c_str(), "HTTP/", 5) != 0)
throw APIException("Unsupported HTTP Version");
string vn = httpVersion.substr(5);
this->httpVersion.major = atoi (vn.substr(0, vn.find('.')).c_str());
this->httpVersion.minor = atoi (vn.substr(vn.find('.') + 1).c_str());
buff[i] = '\0';
string path;
bool isF = true;
while (!hLine.empty())
if (isF)
isF = false;
path.append(" ");
list<string> parts = HTTPServer::split(path, "?", 2);
if (!parts.empty())
this->path = HTTPServer::split(parts.front(), "/");
if (!parts.empty())
string qData = parts.front();
string::size_type sK, sV, eK, eV;
sK = sV = eK = eV = 0;
while (sK < qData.length())
eK = qData.find('=', sK);
if (eK == string::npos) // not valid key
sV = eK + 1;
eV = qData.find('&', sV);
if (eV == string::npos)
eV = qData.length();
this->query [qData.substr(sK, eK - sK)] = qData.substr(sV, eV - sV);
if (eV >= qData.length())
sK = eV + 1;
int r = cPos;
cPos = i + 2;
return (buff + r);
return (buff + len); // end
inline void parseURL (string request, list<string> *path, map<string, string> *params)
string::size_type p = (*it).find(": ");
string::size_type p;
string query, url;
p = request.find ('?');
if (p == string::npos)
(*it).substr(0, p),
p = request.length();
query = request.substr (p + 1);
url = request.substr (0, p);
path->clear ();
string::size_type s, e;
s = 0;
while (true)
e = url.find ('/', s);
if (e == string::npos)
e = url.length();
string x = url.substr (s, e - s);
if (!(x.length() == 0 || x == "."))
if (x == "..")
if (path->empty())
throw ServerException (1, "Hack attempt");
path->pop_back ();
path->push_back (x);
if (e == url.length())
s = e + 1;
string::size_type vS, vE, kS, kE;
vS = vE = kS = kE = 0;
while (kS < query.length())
kE = query.find ('=', kS);
if (kE == string::npos) break;
vS = kE + 1;
vE = query.find ('&', vS);
if (vE == string::npos) vE = query.length();
params->insert (pair<string, string>( query.substr (kS, kE - kS), query.substr (vS, vE - vS) ));
kS = vE + 1;
HTTPServer::Response::Response(SOCKET sock)
inline void setCookies (string &data, map<string, string> *cookies)
this->sock = sock;
this->isHeaderSent = false;
setStatus(200, "OK");
string::size_type kS, kE, vS, vE;
kS = 0;
while (kS < data.length ())
kE = data.find ('=', kS);
if (kE == string::npos)
vS = kE + 1;
vE = data.find ("; ", vS);
if (vE == string::npos)
vE = data.length();
(*cookies) [data.substr (kS, kE-kS)] = data.substr (vS, vE-vS);
kS = vE + 2;
void HTTPServer::Response::setStatus (int code, string msg)
void HTTPServer::Request::parseRequest ()
this->statusCode = code;
this->statusMsg = msg;
char buffer [REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE];
int r;
r = recv (this->conn, buffer, REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
throw ServerException (1, "Request Size too big.");
if (r <= 0)
throw ServerException (2, "Socket Error");
char *cLine;
int n = 0;
int pos = 0;
string::size_type p;
while ( (cLine = nextReqLine (pos, buffer, r)) < (buffer + r))
string line = string (cLine);
if (line.length() == 0) break; // CRLF CRLF = end of headers.
if (n == 1)
string::size_type uS, uE;
p = line.find (' ');
if (p == string::npos)
throw ServerException (5, "Malformed request method");
uS = p + 1;
this->requestMethod.str = line.substr (0, p);
if (this->requestMethod.str == "GET")
this->requestMethod.rm = RM_GET;
else if (this->requestMethod.str == "POST")
this->requestMethod.rm = RM_POST;
this->requestMethod.rm = RM_UNKNOWN;
uE = uS;
while (p < line.length())
if (p == string::npos)
p = line.find (' ', p + 1);
if (p == string::npos)
uE = p;
if (uE + 1 >= line.length())
throw ServerException (6, "Malformed request");
string httpVersion = line.substr (uE + 1);
parseURL (line.substr (uS, uE - uS), &this->path, &this->params);
p = line.find (": ");
if (p == string::npos)
throw ServerException (4, "Malformed headers");
string key = line.substr (0, p);
string value = line.substr (p + 2);
if (key != "Cookie")
this->headers.insert(pair<string, string>( key, value));
setCookies (value, &this->cookies);
if (n == 0)
throw ServerException (3, "No Request header.");
void HTTPServer::Response::sendRaw (void *data, int sz)
list<string>* HTTPServer::Request::getPath ()
send (this->sock, (const char*)data, sz, 0);
return &this->path;
string HTTPServer::Request::getParam (const string key)
map<string, string>::iterator it = this->params.find (key);
if (it == this->params.end())
return "";
return it->second;
multimap<string, string>::iterator HTTPServer::Request::getHeader (const string name)
multimap<string, string>::iterator it = this->headers.find (name);
return it;
HTTPServer::Request::RequestMethod HTTPServer::Request::getRequestMethod ()
return this->requestMethod.rm;
string HTTPServer::Request::getRequestMethodStr ()
return this->requestMethod.str;
string HTTPServer::Request::getCookie (const string name)
map<string, string>::iterator it = this->cookies.find (name);
if (it == this->cookies.end())
return "";
return it->second;
const SOCKADDR_IN* HTTPServer::Request::getAddress ()
return this->addr;
/* HTTPServer::Response */
HTTPServer::Response::Response (SOCKET cli)
this->conn = cli;
this->headerSent = false;
setStatus (200, "OK");
void HTTPServer::Response::setStatus (int c, const string m)
if (headerSent)
throw ServerException (2, "Can't set status.");
this->status_code = c;
this->status_msg = m;
void HTTPServer::Response::addHeader (string key, string value)
if (headerSent)
throw ServerException (1, "Headers already sent.");
this->headers.insert (pair<string, string>(key, value));
void HTTPServer::Response::write (const char *data, int len)
if (!this->headerSent)
sendHeaders ();
if (len < 0)
len = strlen (data);
writeRaw (data, len);
void HTTPServer::Response::sendHeaders ()
if (this->headerSent)
this->headerSent = true;
addHeader ("Server", "ContactMe");
stringstream stream;
stream << "HTTP/1.1 " << this->status_code << " " << this->status_msg << "\r\n";
stream << "Connection: Close\r\n";
multimap<string, string>::iterator it;
for (it = this->headers.begin(); it != this->headers.end(); it++)
stream << it->first << ": " << it->second << "\r\n";
stream << "\r\n";
string str = stream.str();
writeRaw (str.c_str(), str.length());
bool HTTPServer::Response::isHeadersSent () const
return this->headerSent;
int HTTPServer::Response::writeRaw (const char *data, int len)
return send (this->conn, data, len, 0);

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright © 2012,2013 Naim A.
* Copyright © 2013 Naim A.
* This file is part of UDPT.
@ -17,39 +17,48 @@
* along with UDPT. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include "../multiplatform.h"
using namespace std;
namespace UDPT
namespace API
namespace Server
class APIException
class ServerException
APIException (const string msg)
inline ServerException (int ec)
this->msg = msg;
this->ec = ec;
this->em = NULL;
const string& getMessage ()
inline ServerException (int ec, const char *em)
return this->msg;
this->ec = ec;
this->em = em;
inline const char *getErrorMsg () const
return this->em;
inline int getErrorCode () const
return this->ec;
string msg;
int ec;
const char *em;
class HTTPServer
@ -58,78 +67,91 @@ namespace UDPT
class Request
enum RequestMethod {
enum RequestMethod
RM_GET = 1
RM_GET = 1,
Request (SOCKET sock, const SOCKADDR *sock_addr);
Request (SOCKET, const SOCKADDR_IN *);
list<string>* getPath ();
string getParam (const string key);
multimap<string, string>::iterator getHeader (const string name);
RequestMethod getRequestMethod ();
string getRequestMethodStr ();
string getCookie (const string name);
const SOCKADDR_IN* getAddress ();
friend class HTTPServer;
enum RequestMethod requestMethod;
string str_requestMethod;
const SOCKADDR_IN *addr;
SOCKET conn;
struct {
unsigned int major;
unsigned int minor;
} httpVersion;
SOCKET sock;
int major;
int minor;
} httpVer;
struct {
string str;
RequestMethod rm;
} requestMethod;
list<string> path;
map<string, string> params;
map<string, string> cookies;
multimap<string, string> headers;
list<string> path; // /some/path
map<string, string> query; // a=b&c=d
const SOCKADDR *sock_addr; // IP address+family
void loadAndParse ();
void parseRequest ();
class Response
Response (SOCKET sock);
void sendRaw (void*, int);
void setStatus (int code, string msg);
Response (SOCKET conn);
void setStatus (int, const string);
void addHeader (string key, string value);
void sendHeaders ();
int writeRaw (const char *data, int len);
void write (const char *data, int len = -1);
bool isHeadersSent () const;
friend class HTTPServer;
SOCKET sock;
bool isHeaderSent;
string statusMsg;
int statusCode;
SOCKET conn;
int status_code;
string status_msg;
multimap<string, string> headers;
bool headerSent;
typedef int (srvCallback) (Request *, Response *);
typedef void (reqCallback)(HTTPServer*,Request*,Response*);
HTTPServer (uint16_t port, int threads);
void addApplication (const string path, srvCallback *callback);
void addApp (list<string> *path, reqCallback *);
virtual ~HTTPServer ();
static list<string> split (const string str, const string del, int limit = -1);
typedef struct _serve_node {
string name; // part of path name
map<string, struct _serve_node> children;
srvCallback *callback;
} serveNode;
typedef struct appNode
reqCallback *callback;
map<string, appNode> nodes;
} appNode;
bool isRunning;
serveNode rootNode;
SOCKET sock;
int thread_count;
HANDLE *threads;
bool isRunning;
appNode rootNode;
static void handleConnections (HTTPServer *);
#ifdef WIN32
static DWORD doServe (LPVOID arg);
static DWORD _thread_start (LPVOID);
static void* doServe (void* arg);
static void* _thread_start (void*);
static void handleConnection (HTTPServer *, Request *, Response *);
static reqCallback* getRequestHandler (appNode *, list<string> *);
#endif /* HTTPSERVER_HPP_ */

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
using namespace std;
using namespace UDPT;
using namespace UDPT::Server;
static void _print_usage ()
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
usi = new UDPTracker (settings);
API::HTTPServer *apiSrv = NULL;
HTTPServer *apiSrv = NULL;
r = usi->start();
if (r != UDPTracker::START_OK)
@ -101,10 +102,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
apiSrv = new API::HTTPServer(6969, 2);
} catch (API::APIException &ex)
apiSrv = new HTTPServer(6969, 8);
} catch (ServerException &ex)
cerr << "APIException: " << ex.getMessage() << endl;
cerr << "ServerException #" << ex.getErrorCode() << ": " << ex.getErrorMsg() << endl;
goto cleanup;