# tclip [![status: experimental](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-experimental-blue)](https://tailscale.com/kb/1167/release-stages/#experimental) A self-hostable pastebin for your tailnet. It can store an infinite\* number of pastes. ## Development 1. Install Nix 2. Enable flakes 3. `nix develop` You can then test your changes to tclip by running `go run ./cmd/web` or `go run ./cmd/tclip` as appropriate. ## Building for prod The web server: ``` nix build .#web ``` The docker image: ``` nix build .#docker docker load < ./result ``` The portable service image: ``` nix build .#portable-service ``` ## Deploying There are several options you can take to deploy tclip. The most basic deployment method is to use [fly.io](https://fly.io), but we offer a few options so that you can make the decision that is right for you. ### Prerequisites In order to deploy this service, you will need to get an authkey from [the admin panel](https://login.tailscale.com/admin/settings/keys). It is a good idea to associate this with the tag `tag:service` or its own `tag:tclip`. Please also do not set the `ephemeral` tag as that will destroy the node when the service shuts down. Your authkey should start with `tskey-auth`. You will need to have Magic DNS enabled. You will need to have ### fly.io In one of your infrastructure management GitHub repositories, create a folder for tclip and then copy the following [`fly.toml`](https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/) template into that folder. ```toml app = "FLY_APP_NAME" [build] image = "ghcr.io/tailscale-dev/tclip:main" [deploy] strategy = "immediate" [env] DATA_DIR = "/data" [mounts] source = "tclip_data" destination = "/data" ``` Replace `FLY_APP_NAME` with a name such as `yourorg-tclip` and then run these commands with [the `flyctl` command](https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/): ```console $ flyctl apps create FLY_APP_NAME $ flyctl volumes create tclip_data $ flyctl secrets set TS_AUTHKEY= $ flyctl deploy ``` You should be able to open the app at [http://paste](http://paste) and paste to your heart's content. #### Updating Run `flyctl deploy` to update the service. ### Normal Docker To run this service in Docker, run the following command: ``` docker run \ -d \ -v /var/lib/tclip:/data \ -e DATA_DIR=/data \ -e TS_AUTHKEY= \ -n tclip \ --restart always \ ghcr.io/tailscale-dev/tclip:main ``` #### Updating Every so often you should pull a new version of tclip and recreate the container: ``` docker pull ghcr.io/tailscale-dev/tclip:main docker rm -f tclip ``` Then run the above command to recreate the container. #### Backups Add the path `/var/lib/tclip` to your backup program of choice. ### Systemd portable service systemd has a mechanism for [portable service](https://systemd.io/PORTABLE_SERVICES/) which are like Docker images mixed with systemd unit configurations. This allows you to install tclip on any Linux distribution with systemd (and the `portablectl` command, install `systemd-container` to get this package on Ubuntu). This lets you view tclip logs with `journalctl` and manage it like any other systemd service. You can download the portable service image from CI by looking at the [recently finished builds](https://github.com/tailscale-dev/tclip/actions?query=is%3Asuccess+branch%3Amain), clicking on the most recent one, and downloading the `portable-service` artifact. This will get you a zipfile that contains a single `.raw` file. Copy this `.raw` file to `/var/lib/portable` on your target server. Then run `portablectl list` to get a list of available portable services: ```console $ portablectl list NAME TYPE RO CRTIME MTIME USAGE STATE tclip_0.1.0-20230116 raw yes Mon 2023-01-16 16:49:58 UTC Mon 2023-01-16 16:53:59 UTC 14.8M detached ``` Copy the name of the `tclip` service including the auto-generated version number to your clipboard (for example: `tclip_0.1.0-20230116`) and pass that to `portablectl attach`: ```console $ sudo portablectl attach tclip_0.1.0-20230116 ``` Next, create the folder `/etc/systemd/system/tclip.service.d` and create the file `10-ts-auth-key.conf` in it with the following contents (be sure to replace `` with your tailnet authkey): ```systemd # /etc/systemd/system/tclip.service.d/10-ts-authkey.conf [Service] Environment=TS_AUTHKEY= ``` Finally, enable `tclip.service` and start it with `systemctl enable --now`: ```console $ sudo systemctl enable --now tclip.service ``` Wait a moment for it to connect to Tailscale and then check on it with `tailscale status`. Your new node named `paste` should show up in your tailnet. #### Updating To update tclip, first detach the portable service using `portablectl detach` after finding the list with `portablectl list`. Then delete the correlating `.raw` file in `/var/lib/portables`. Download a new one in its place and re-attach and re-enable the service. #### Backups Add the path `/var/lib/private/tclip` to your backup program of choice.