delthas c88700ef18
Fix parsing MODE messages by updating channel memberships
Previously, we only considered channel modes in the modes of a MODE
messages, which means channel membership changes were ignored. This
resulted in bugs where users channel memberships would not be properly
updated and cached with wrong values. Further, mode arguments
representing entities were not properly marshaled.

This adds support for correctly parsing and updating channel memberships
when processing MODE messages. Mode arguments corresponding to channel
memberships updates are now also properly marshaled.

MODE messages can't be easily sent from history because marshaling these
messages require knowing about the upstream available channel types and
channel membership types, which is currently only possible when
connected. For now this is not an issue since we do not send MODE
messages in history.
2020-05-21 22:36:54 +02:00

286 lines
6.9 KiB

package soju
import (
const (
rpl_statsping = "246"
rpl_localusers = "265"
rpl_globalusers = "266"
rpl_creationtime = "329"
rpl_topicwhotime = "333"
err_invalidcapcmd = "410"
type userModes string
func (ms userModes) Has(c byte) bool {
return strings.IndexByte(string(ms), c) >= 0
func (ms *userModes) Add(c byte) {
if !ms.Has(c) {
*ms += userModes(c)
func (ms *userModes) Del(c byte) {
i := strings.IndexByte(string(*ms), c)
if i >= 0 {
*ms = (*ms)[:i] + (*ms)[i+1:]
func (ms *userModes) Apply(s string) error {
var plusMinus byte
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
switch c := s[i]; c {
case '+', '-':
plusMinus = c
switch plusMinus {
case '+':
case '-':
return fmt.Errorf("malformed modestring %q: missing plus/minus", s)
return nil
type channelModeType byte
// standard channel mode types, as explained in
const (
// modes that add or remove an address to or from a list
modeTypeA channelModeType = iota
// modes that change a setting on a channel, and must always have a parameter
// modes that change a setting on a channel, and must have a parameter when being set, and no parameter when being unset
// modes that change a setting on a channel, and must not have a parameter
var stdChannelModes = map[byte]channelModeType{
'b': modeTypeA, // ban list
'e': modeTypeA, // ban exception list
'I': modeTypeA, // invite exception list
'k': modeTypeB, // channel key
'l': modeTypeC, // channel user limit
'i': modeTypeD, // channel is invite-only
'm': modeTypeD, // channel is moderated
'n': modeTypeD, // channel has no external messages
's': modeTypeD, // channel is secret
't': modeTypeD, // channel has protected topic
type channelModes map[byte]string
// applyChannelModes parses a mode string and mode arguments from a MODE message,
// and applies the corresponding channel mode and user membership changes on that channel.
// If ch.modes is nil, channel modes are not updated.
// needMarshaling is a list of indexes of mode arguments that represent entities
// that must be marshaled when sent downstream.
func applyChannelModes(ch *upstreamChannel, modeStr string, arguments []string) (needMarshaling map[int]struct{}, err error) {
needMarshaling = make(map[int]struct{}, len(arguments))
nextArgument := 0
var plusMinus byte
for i := 0; i < len(modeStr); i++ {
mode := modeStr[i]
if mode == '+' || mode == '-' {
plusMinus = mode
if plusMinus != '+' && plusMinus != '-' {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed modestring %q: missing plus/minus", modeStr)
for _, membership := range ch.conn.availableMemberships {
if membership.Mode == mode {
if nextArgument >= len(arguments) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed modestring %q: missing mode argument for %c%c", modeStr, plusMinus, mode)
member := arguments[nextArgument]
if _, ok := ch.Members[member]; ok {
if plusMinus == '+' {
ch.Members[member].Add(ch.conn.availableMemberships, membership)
} else {
// TODO: for upstreams without multi-prefix, query the user modes again
needMarshaling[nextArgument] = struct{}{}
continue outer
mt, ok := ch.conn.availableChannelModes[mode]
if !ok {
if mt == modeTypeB || (mt == modeTypeC && plusMinus == '+') {
if plusMinus == '+' {
var argument string
// some sentitive arguments (such as channel keys) can be omitted for privacy
// (this will only happen for RPL_CHANNELMODEIS, never for MODE messages)
if nextArgument < len(arguments) {
argument = arguments[nextArgument]
if ch.modes != nil {
ch.modes[mode] = argument
} else {
delete(ch.modes, mode)
} else if mt == modeTypeC || mt == modeTypeD {
if plusMinus == '+' {
if ch.modes != nil {
ch.modes[mode] = ""
} else {
delete(ch.modes, mode)
return needMarshaling, nil
func (cm channelModes) Format() (modeString string, parameters []string) {
var modesWithValues strings.Builder
var modesWithoutValues strings.Builder
parameters = make([]string, 0, 16)
for mode, value := range cm {
if value != "" {
parameters = append(parameters, value)
} else {
modeString = "+" + modesWithValues.String() + modesWithoutValues.String()
const stdChannelTypes = "#&+!"
type channelStatus byte
const (
channelPublic channelStatus = '='
channelSecret channelStatus = '@'
channelPrivate channelStatus = '*'
func parseChannelStatus(s string) (channelStatus, error) {
if len(s) > 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid channel status %q: more than one character", s)
switch cs := channelStatus(s[0]); cs {
case channelPublic, channelSecret, channelPrivate:
return cs, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid channel status %q: unknown status", s)
type membership struct {
Mode byte
Prefix byte
var stdMemberships = []membership{
{'q', '~'}, // founder
{'a', '&'}, // protected
{'o', '@'}, // operator
{'h', '%'}, // halfop
{'v', '+'}, // voice
// memberships always sorted by descending membership rank
type memberships []membership
func (m *memberships) Add(availableMemberships []membership, newMembership membership) {
l := *m
i := 0
for _, availableMembership := range availableMemberships {
if i >= len(l) {
if l[i] == availableMembership {
if availableMembership == newMembership {
// we already have this membership
if availableMembership == newMembership {
// insert newMembership at i
l = append(l, membership{})
copy(l[i+1:], l[i:])
l[i] = newMembership
*m = l
func (m *memberships) Remove(oldMembership membership) {
l := *m
for i, currentMembership := range l {
if currentMembership == oldMembership {
*m = append(l[:i], l[i+1:]...)
func (m memberships) Format(dc *downstreamConn) string {
if !dc.caps["multi-prefix"] {
if len(m) == 0 {
return ""
return string(m[0].Prefix)
prefixes := make([]byte, len(m))
for i, membership := range m {
prefixes[i] = membership.Prefix
return string(prefixes)
func parseMessageParams(msg *irc.Message, out ...*string) error {
if len(msg.Params) < len(out) {
return newNeedMoreParamsError(msg.Command)
for i := range out {
if out[i] != nil {
*out[i] = msg.Params[i]
return nil
type batch struct {
Type string
Params []string
Outer *batch // if not-nil, this batch is nested in Outer
Label string
// The server-time layout, as defined in the IRCv3 spec.
const serverTimeLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"