Simon Ser 965ce9cdb9 xirc: fix chunking in GenerateSASL
The SASL response needs to be encoded into base64, then split into
400 byte chunks. We were doing it in reverse order.
2024-06-30 23:42:31 +02:00

232 lines
5.2 KiB

package xirc
import (
func GenerateJoin(channels, keys []string) []*irc.Message {
// Put channels with a key first
js := joinSorter{channels, keys}
// Two spaces because there are three words (JOIN, channels and keys)
maxLength := maxMessageLength - (len("JOIN") + 2)
var msgs []*irc.Message
var channelsBuf, keysBuf strings.Builder
for i, channel := range channels {
key := keys[i]
n := channelsBuf.Len() + keysBuf.Len() + 1 + len(channel)
if key != "" {
n += 1 + len(key)
if channelsBuf.Len() > 0 && n > maxLength {
// No room for the new channel in this message
params := []string{channelsBuf.String()}
if keysBuf.Len() > 0 {
params = append(params, keysBuf.String())
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{Command: "JOIN", Params: params})
if channelsBuf.Len() > 0 {
if key != "" {
if keysBuf.Len() > 0 {
if channelsBuf.Len() > 0 {
params := []string{channelsBuf.String()}
if keysBuf.Len() > 0 {
params = append(params, keysBuf.String())
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{Command: "JOIN", Params: params})
return msgs
type joinSorter struct {
channels []string
keys []string
func (js *joinSorter) Len() int {
return len(js.channels)
func (js *joinSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
if (js.keys[i] != "") != (js.keys[j] != "") {
// Only one of the channels has a key
return js.keys[i] != ""
return js.channels[i] < js.channels[j]
func (js *joinSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
js.channels[i], js.channels[j] = js.channels[j], js.channels[i]
js.keys[i], js.keys[j] = js.keys[j], js.keys[i]
func GenerateIsupport(tokens []string) []*irc.Message {
maxTokens := maxMessageParams - 2 // 2 reserved params: nick + text
// TODO: take into account maxMessageLength as well
var msgs []*irc.Message
for len(tokens) > 0 {
var msgTokens []string
if len(tokens) > maxTokens {
msgTokens = tokens[:maxTokens]
tokens = tokens[maxTokens:]
} else {
msgTokens = tokens
tokens = nil
encodedTokens := make([]string, len(msgTokens))
for i, tok := range msgTokens {
encodedTokens[i] = isupportEncoder.Replace(tok)
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_ISUPPORT,
Params: append(append([]string{"*"}, encodedTokens...), "are supported"),
return msgs
var isupportEncoder = strings.NewReplacer(" ", "\\x20", "\\", "\\x5C")
func GenerateMOTD(motd string) []*irc.Message {
var msgs []*irc.Message
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_MOTDSTART,
Params: []string{"*", fmt.Sprintf("- Message of the Day -")},
for _, l := range strings.Split(motd, "\n") {
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_MOTD,
Params: []string{"*", l},
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD,
Params: []string{"*", "End of /MOTD command."},
return msgs
func GenerateMonitor(subcmd string, targets []string) []*irc.Message {
maxLength := maxMessageLength - len("MONITOR "+subcmd+" ")
var msgs []*irc.Message
var buf []string
n := 0
for _, target := range targets {
if n+len(target)+1 > maxLength {
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: "MONITOR",
Params: []string{subcmd, strings.Join(buf, ",")},
buf = buf[:0]
n = 0
buf = append(buf, target)
n += len(target) + 1
if len(buf) > 0 {
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: "MONITOR",
Params: []string{subcmd, strings.Join(buf, ",")},
return msgs
func GenerateNamesReply(channel string, status ChannelStatus, members []string) []*irc.Message {
emptyNameReply := irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_NAMREPLY,
Params: []string{"*", string(status), channel, ""},
maxLength := maxMessageLength - len(emptyNameReply.String())
var msgs []*irc.Message
var buf strings.Builder
for _, s := range members {
n := buf.Len() + 1 + len(s)
if buf.Len() != 0 && n > maxLength {
// There's not enough space for the next space + nick
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_NAMREPLY,
Params: []string{"*", string(status), channel, buf.String()},
if buf.Len() != 0 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
if buf.Len() != 0 {
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_NAMREPLY,
Params: []string{"*", string(status), channel, buf.String()},
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Command: irc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES,
Params: []string{"*", channel, "End of /NAMES list"},
return msgs
func GenerateSASL(resp []byte) []*irc.Message {
encoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(resp)
// <= instead of < because we need to send a final empty response if
// the last chunk is exactly 400 bytes long
var msgs []*irc.Message
for i := 0; i <= len(encoded); i += MaxSASLLength {
j := i + MaxSASLLength
if j > len(encoded) {
j = len(encoded)
chunk := encoded[i:j]
if chunk == "" {
chunk = "+"
msgs = append(msgs, &irc.Message{
Params: []string{chunk},
return msgs