Simon Ser ec2c0685dd Add WHO cache
This adds a new field to upstreams, members, which is a casemapped map
of upstream users known to the soju. The upstream users known to soju
are: self, any monitored user, and any user with whom we share a

The information stored for each upstream user corresponds to the info
that can be returned by a WHO/WHOX command.

We build the upstream user information both incrementally, capturing
information contained in JOIN and AWAY messages; and with the bulk user
information contained in WHO replies we receive.

This lets us build a user cache that can then be used to return
synthetic WHO responses to later WHO requests by downstreams.

This is useful because some networks (eg Libera) heavily throttle WHO
commands, and without this cache, any downstream connecting would send 1
WHO command per channel, so possibly more than a dozen WHO commands,
which soju then forwarded to the upstream as WHO commands.

With this cache most WHO commands can be cached and avoid sending
WHO commands to the upstream.

In order to cache the "flags" field, we synthetize the field from user
info we get from incremental messages: away status (H/G) and bot status
(B). This could result in incorrect values for proprietary user fields.
Support for the server-operator status (*) is also not supported.

Of note is that it is difficult to obtain a user "connected server"
field incrementally, so clients that want to maximize their WHO cache
hit ratio can use WHOX to only request fields they need, and in
particular not include the server field flag.

Co-authored-by: delthas <>
2022-12-01 15:50:33 +01:00

546 lines
12 KiB

package soju
import (
// TODO: generalize and move helpers to the xirc package
type userModes string
func (ms userModes) Has(c byte) bool {
return strings.IndexByte(string(ms), c) >= 0
func (ms *userModes) Add(c byte) {
if !ms.Has(c) {
*ms += userModes(c)
func (ms *userModes) Del(c byte) {
i := strings.IndexByte(string(*ms), c)
if i >= 0 {
*ms = (*ms)[:i] + (*ms)[i+1:]
func (ms *userModes) Apply(s string) error {
var plusMinus byte
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
switch c := s[i]; c {
case '+', '-':
plusMinus = c
switch plusMinus {
case '+':
case '-':
return fmt.Errorf("malformed modestring %q: missing plus/minus", s)
return nil
type channelModeType byte
// standard channel mode types, as explained in
const (
// modes that add or remove an address to or from a list
modeTypeA channelModeType = iota
// modes that change a setting on a channel, and must always have a parameter
// modes that change a setting on a channel, and must have a parameter when being set, and no parameter when being unset
// modes that change a setting on a channel, and must not have a parameter
var stdChannelModes = map[byte]channelModeType{
'b': modeTypeA, // ban list
'e': modeTypeA, // ban exception list
'I': modeTypeA, // invite exception list
'k': modeTypeB, // channel key
'l': modeTypeC, // channel user limit
'i': modeTypeD, // channel is invite-only
'm': modeTypeD, // channel is moderated
'n': modeTypeD, // channel has no external messages
's': modeTypeD, // channel is secret
't': modeTypeD, // channel has protected topic
type channelModes map[byte]string
// applyChannelModes parses a mode string and mode arguments from a MODE message,
// and applies the corresponding channel mode and user membership changes on that channel.
// If ch.modes is nil, channel modes are not updated.
func applyChannelModes(ch *upstreamChannel, modeStr string, arguments []string) error {
nextArgument := 0
var plusMinus byte
for i := 0; i < len(modeStr); i++ {
mode := modeStr[i]
if mode == '+' || mode == '-' {
plusMinus = mode
if plusMinus != '+' && plusMinus != '-' {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed modestring %q: missing plus/minus", modeStr)
for _, membership := range ch.conn.availableMemberships {
if membership.Mode == mode {
if nextArgument >= len(arguments) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed modestring %q: missing mode argument for %c%c", modeStr, plusMinus, mode)
member := arguments[nextArgument]
m := ch.Members.Get(member)
if m != nil {
if plusMinus == '+' {
m.Add(ch.conn.availableMemberships, membership)
} else {
// TODO: for upstreams without multi-prefix, query the user modes again
continue outer
mt, ok := ch.conn.availableChannelModes[mode]
if !ok {
if mt == modeTypeA {
} else if mt == modeTypeB || (mt == modeTypeC && plusMinus == '+') {
if plusMinus == '+' {
var argument string
// some sentitive arguments (such as channel keys) can be omitted for privacy
// (this will only happen for RPL_CHANNELMODEIS, never for MODE messages)
if nextArgument < len(arguments) {
argument = arguments[nextArgument]
if ch.modes != nil {
ch.modes[mode] = argument
} else {
delete(ch.modes, mode)
} else if mt == modeTypeC || mt == modeTypeD {
if plusMinus == '+' {
if ch.modes != nil {
ch.modes[mode] = ""
} else {
delete(ch.modes, mode)
return nil
func (cm channelModes) Format() (modeString string, parameters []string) {
var modesWithValues strings.Builder
var modesWithoutValues strings.Builder
parameters = make([]string, 0, 16)
for mode, value := range cm {
if value != "" {
parameters = append(parameters, value)
} else {
modeString = "+" + modesWithValues.String() + modesWithoutValues.String()
const stdChannelTypes = "#&+!"
var stdMemberships = []xirc.Membership{
{'q', '~'}, // founder
{'a', '&'}, // protected
{'o', '@'}, // operator
{'h', '%'}, // halfop
{'v', '+'}, // voice
func formatMemberPrefix(ms xirc.MembershipSet, dc *downstreamConn) string {
if !dc.caps.IsEnabled("multi-prefix") {
if len(ms) == 0 {
return ""
return string(ms[0].Prefix)
prefixes := make([]byte, len(ms))
for i, m := range ms {
prefixes[i] = m.Prefix
return string(prefixes)
func parseMessageParams(msg *irc.Message, out ...*string) error {
if len(msg.Params) < len(out) {
return newNeedMoreParamsError(msg.Command)
for i := range out {
if out[i] != nil {
*out[i] = msg.Params[i]
return nil
func copyClientTags(tags irc.Tags) irc.Tags {
t := make(irc.Tags, len(tags))
for k, v := range tags {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "+") {
t[k] = v
return t
type casemapping func(string) string
func casemapNone(name string) string {
return name
// CasemapASCII of name is the canonical representation of name according to the
// ascii casemapping.
func casemapASCII(name string) string {
nameBytes := []byte(name)
for i, r := range nameBytes {
if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' {
nameBytes[i] = r + 'a' - 'A'
return string(nameBytes)
// casemapRFC1459 of name is the canonical representation of name according to the
// rfc1459 casemapping.
func casemapRFC1459(name string) string {
nameBytes := []byte(name)
for i, r := range nameBytes {
if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' {
nameBytes[i] = r + 'a' - 'A'
} else if r == '{' {
nameBytes[i] = '['
} else if r == '}' {
nameBytes[i] = ']'
} else if r == '\\' {
nameBytes[i] = '|'
} else if r == '~' {
nameBytes[i] = '^'
return string(nameBytes)
// casemapRFC1459Strict of name is the canonical representation of name
// according to the rfc1459-strict casemapping.
func casemapRFC1459Strict(name string) string {
nameBytes := []byte(name)
for i, r := range nameBytes {
if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' {
nameBytes[i] = r + 'a' - 'A'
} else if r == '{' {
nameBytes[i] = '['
} else if r == '}' {
nameBytes[i] = ']'
} else if r == '\\' {
nameBytes[i] = '|'
return string(nameBytes)
func parseCasemappingToken(tokenValue string) (casemap casemapping, ok bool) {
switch tokenValue {
case "ascii":
casemap = casemapASCII
case "rfc1459":
casemap = casemapRFC1459
case "rfc1459-strict":
casemap = casemapRFC1459Strict
return nil, false
return casemap, true
func partialCasemap(higher casemapping, name string) string {
nameFullyCM := []byte(higher(name))
nameBytes := []byte(name)
for i, r := range nameBytes {
if !('A' <= r && r <= 'Z') && !('a' <= r && r <= 'z') {
nameBytes[i] = nameFullyCM[i]
return string(nameBytes)
type casemapMap struct {
m map[string]casemapEntry
casemap casemapping
type casemapEntry struct {
originalKey string
value interface{}
func newCasemapMap() casemapMap {
return casemapMap{
m: make(map[string]casemapEntry),
casemap: casemapNone,
func (cm *casemapMap) Has(name string) bool {
_, ok := cm.m[cm.casemap(name)]
return ok
func (cm *casemapMap) Len() int {
return len(cm.m)
func (cm *casemapMap) get(name string) interface{} {
entry, ok := cm.m[cm.casemap(name)]
if !ok {
return nil
return entry.value
func (cm *casemapMap) set(name string, value interface{}) {
nameCM := cm.casemap(name)
entry, ok := cm.m[nameCM]
if !ok {
cm.m[nameCM] = casemapEntry{
originalKey: name,
value: value,
entry.value = value
cm.m[nameCM] = entry
func (cm *casemapMap) Del(name string) {
delete(cm.m, cm.casemap(name))
func (cm *casemapMap) SetCasemapping(newCasemap casemapping) {
cm.casemap = newCasemap
m := make(map[string]casemapEntry, len(cm.m))
for _, entry := range cm.m {
m[cm.casemap(entry.originalKey)] = entry
cm.m = m
type upstreamChannelCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *upstreamChannelCasemapMap) Get(name string) *upstreamChannel {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return nil
} else {
return v.(*upstreamChannel)
func (cm *upstreamChannelCasemapMap) Set(uch *upstreamChannel) {
cm.set(uch.Name, uch)
func (cm *upstreamChannelCasemapMap) ForEach(f func(*upstreamChannel)) {
for _, entry := range cm.m {
type upstreamUserCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *upstreamUserCasemapMap) Get(name string) *upstreamUser {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return nil
} else {
return v.(*upstreamUser)
func (cm *upstreamUserCasemapMap) Set(u *upstreamUser) {
cm.set(u.Nickname, u)
type channelCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *channelCasemapMap) Get(name string) *database.Channel {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return nil
} else {
return v.(*database.Channel)
func (cm *channelCasemapMap) Set(ch *database.Channel) {
cm.set(ch.Name, ch)
func (cm *channelCasemapMap) ForEach(f func(*database.Channel)) {
for _, entry := range cm.m {
type membershipsCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *membershipsCasemapMap) Get(name string) *xirc.MembershipSet {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return nil
} else {
return v.(*xirc.MembershipSet)
func (cm *membershipsCasemapMap) Set(name string, ms *xirc.MembershipSet) {
cm.set(name, ms)
func (cm *membershipsCasemapMap) ForEach(f func(string, *xirc.MembershipSet)) {
for _, entry := range cm.m {
f(entry.originalKey, entry.value.(*xirc.MembershipSet))
type deliveredCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *deliveredCasemapMap) Get(name string) deliveredClientMap {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return nil
} else {
return v.(deliveredClientMap)
func (cm *deliveredCasemapMap) Set(name string, m deliveredClientMap) {
cm.set(name, m)
func (cm *deliveredCasemapMap) ForEach(f func(string, deliveredClientMap)) {
for _, entry := range cm.m {
f(entry.originalKey, entry.value.(deliveredClientMap))
type monitorCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *monitorCasemapMap) Get(name string) (online bool) {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return false
} else {
return v.(bool)
func (cm *monitorCasemapMap) Set(name string, online bool) {
cm.set(name, online)
func (cm *monitorCasemapMap) ForEach(f func(name string, online bool)) {
for _, entry := range cm.m {
f(entry.originalKey, entry.value.(bool))
type pushTargetCasemapMap struct{ casemapMap }
func (cm *pushTargetCasemapMap) Get(name string) (last time.Time) {
if v := cm.get(name); v == nil {
return time.Time{}
} else {
return v.(time.Time)
func (cm *pushTargetCasemapMap) Set(name string, last time.Time) {
cm.set(name, last)
func isWordBoundary(r rune) bool {
switch r {
case '-', '_', '|': // inspired from weechat.look.highlight_regex
return false
return !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsNumber(r)
func isHighlight(text, nick string) bool {
for {
i := strings.Index(text, nick)
if i < 0 {
return false
left, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(text[:i])
right, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(text[i+len(nick):])
if isWordBoundary(left) && isWordBoundary(right) {
return true
text = text[i+len(nick):]
// parseChatHistoryBound parses the given CHATHISTORY parameter as a bound.
// The zero time is returned on error.
func parseChatHistoryBound(param string) time.Time {
parts := strings.SplitN(param, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return time.Time{}
switch parts[0] {
case "timestamp":
timestamp, err := time.Parse(xirc.ServerTimeLayout, parts[1])
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}
return timestamp
return time.Time{}
func isNumeric(cmd string) bool {
if len(cmd) != 3 {
return false
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if cmd[i] < '0' || cmd[i] > '9' {
return false
return true