sojuctl(1) # NAME sojuctl - Manage a running instance of the soju IRC bouncer # SYNOPSIS *sojuctl* [options...] # DESCRIPTION sojuctl sends a _BouncerServ_ command to a running soju instance. See the _IRC SERVICE_ section in *soju*(1) for more information. sojuctl requires a _listen unix+admin://_ directive in the soju configuration file. sojuctl needs to be run with write permissions on the soju admin socket. # OPTIONS *-h, -help* Show help message and quit. *-config* Path to the config file. If unset, the default config file path is used, if any. # AUTHORS Maintained by Simon Ser , who is assisted by other open-source contributors. For more information about soju development, see . # SEE ALSO *soju*(1)