--- title: Bouncer networks extension layout: spec work-in-progress: true copyrights: - name: "Darren Whitlen" period: "2020" email: "darren@kiwiirc.com" - name: "Simon Ser" period: "2021" email: "contact@emersion.fr" --- ## Notes for implementing experimental vendor extension This is an experimental specification for a vendored extension. No guarantees are made regarding the stability of this extension. Backwards-incompatible changes can be made at any time without prior notice. Software implementing this work-in-progress specification MUST NOT use the unprefixed `bouncer-networks` CAP names. Instead, implementations SHOULD use the `soju.im/bouncer-networks` CAP names to be interoperable with other software implementing a compatible work-in-progress version. ## Description This document describes the `soju.im/bouncer-networks` extension. This enables clients to discover servers that are bouncers, list and edit upstream networks the bouncer is connected to. Each network has a unique per-user ID called "netid". It MUST NOT change during the lifetime of the network. TODO: character restrictions for network IDs. Networks also have attributes. Attributes are encoded in the message-tag format. Clients MUST ignore unknown attributes. ## Implementation The `soju.im/bouncer-networks` extension defines a new `RPL_ISUPPORT` token and a new `BOUNCER` command. The `soju.im/bouncer-networks` capability MUST be negotiated. This allows the server and client to behave differently when the client is aware of the bouncer networks. The `soju.im/bouncer-networks-notify` capability MAY be negotiated. This allows the client to signal that it is capable of receiving and correctly processing bouncer network notifications. ### `RPL_ISUPPORT` token The server can advertise a `BOUNCER_NETID` token in its `RPL_ISUPPORT` message. Its optional value is the network ID bound for the current connection. ### `soju.im/bouncer-networks` batch The `soju.im/bouncer-networks` batch does not take any parameter and can only contain `BOUNCER NETWORK` messages. ### `BOUNCER` command A new `BOUNCER` command is introduced. It has a case-insensitive subcommand: BOUNCER #### `BIND` subcommand The `BIND` subcommand selects an upstream network to bind to for the lifetime of the current connection. Clients can only send it after authentication but before the registration completes. BOUNCER BIND #### `LISTNETWORKS` subcommand The `LISTNETWORKS` subcommand queries the list of upstream networks. BOUNCER LISTNETWORKS The server replies with a `soju.im/bouncer-networks` batch, containing any number of `BOUNCER NETWORK` messages: BOUNCER NETWORK #### `ADDNETWORK` subcommand The `ADDNETWORK` subcommand registers a new upstream network in the bouncer. BOUNCER ADDNETWORK The bouncer MAY reject this new network for any reason, in this case it MUST reply with an error. If the request is accepted, the bouncer MUST generate a new unique network ID. The bouncer MAY populate unspecified attributes with implementation-defined defaults. Clients MUST specify at least the `host` attribute. If the client doesn't specify the `tls` attribute, the server SHOULD use the default `1`. If the client doesn't specify the `port` attribute, the server SHOULD use the default `6697` if `tls=1` or `6667` if `tls=0`. On success, the server replies with: BOUNCER ADDNETWORK #### `CHANGENETWORK` subcommand The `CHANGENETWORK` subcommand changes attributes of an existing upstream network. BOUNCER CHANGENETWORK The bouncer MAY reject the change for any reason, in this case it MUST reply with an error. At least one attribute MUST be specified by the client. On success, the server replies with: BOUNCER CHANGENETWORK #### `DELNETWORK` subcommand The `DELNETWORK` subcommand removes an existing upstream network. BOUNCER DELNETWORK The bouncer MAY reject the change for any reason, in this case it MUST reply with an error. On success, the server replies with: BOUNCER DELNETWORK ### Network notifications If the client has negotiated the `soju.im/bouncer-networks-notify` capability, the server MUST send an initial batch of `BOUNCER NETWORK` messages with the current list of network, and MUST send notification messages whenever a network is added, updated or removed. If the client has not negotiated the `soju.im/bouncer-networks-notify` capability, the server MUST NOT send implicit `BOUNCER NETWORK` messages. When network attributes are updated, the bouncer MUST broadcast a `BOUNCER NETWORK` message with the updated attributes to all connected clients with the `soju.im/bouncer-networks-notify` capability enabled: BOUNCER NETWORK The notification SHOULD NOT contain attributes that haven't been updated. An attribute without a value means that the attribute has been removed. When a network is removed, the bouncer MUST broadcast a `BOUNCER NETWORK` message with the special argument `*` to all connected clients with the `soju.im/bouncer-networks-notify` capability enabled: BOUNCER NETWORK * ### Errors Errors are returned using the standard replies syntax. The general syntax is: FAIL BOUNCER [context...] If a client sends an unknown subcommand, the server MUST reply with: FAIL BOUNCER UNKNOWN_COMMAND :Unknown subcommand #### `ACCOUNT_REQUIRED` error If a client sends a `BIND` subcommand before authentication, the server MAY reply with: FAIL BOUNCER ACCOUNT_REQUIRED BIND :Authentication required #### `REGISTRATION_IS_COMPLETED` error If a client sends a `BIND` subcommand after registration, the server MAY reply with: FAIL BOUNCER REGISTRATION_IS_COMPLETED BIND :Cannot bind to a network after registration #### `INVALID_NETID` error If a client sends a subcommand with an invalid network ID, the server MUST reply with: FAIL BOUNCER INVALID_NETID :Network not found #### `INVALID_ATTRIBUTE` error If a client sends an `ADDNETWORK` or a `CHANGENETWORK` subcommand with an invalid attribute, the server MUST reply with: FAIL BOUNCER INVALID_ATTRIBUTE :Invalid attribute value If the `subcommand` is `ADDNETWORK`, `netid` MUST be set to the special `*` value. #### `READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTE` error If a client attempts to change a read-only network attribute using the `ADDNETWORK` or `CHANGENETWORK` subcommand, the server MUST reply with: FAIL BOUNCER READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTE :Read-only attribute If the `subcommand` is `ADDNETWORK`, `netid` MUST be set to the special `*` value. #### `UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE` error If a client sends an `ADDNETWORK` or a `CHANGENETWORK` subcommand with an unknown attribute, the server MUST reply with: FAIL BOUNCER UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE :Unknown attribute If the `subcommand` is `ADDNETWORK`, `netid` MUST be set to the special `*` value. #### `NEED_ATTRIBUTE` error If a client sends an `ADDNETWORK` subcommand without a mandatory attribute, the server MUST reply with: FAIL BOUNCER NEED_ATTRIBUTE ADDNETWORK :Missing required attribute TODO: more errors ### Standard network attributes Bouncers MUST recognise the following network attributes: * `name`: the human-readable name for the network. * `state` (read-only): one of `connected`, `connecting` or `disconnected`. Indicates the current state of the connection to the upstream network. * `host`: the hostname or literal IP address to connect to. * `port`: the TCP port to connect to. * `tls`: `1` to use a TLS connection, `0` to use a cleartext connection. * `nickname`: the nickname to use during registration. * `username`: the username to use during registration. * `realname`: the realname to use during registration. * `pass`: the server password (PASS) to use during registration. Bouncers MAY recognise the following network attributes: * `error` (read-only): a human-readable short text describing an error with the current network. This is typically used when the bouncer state is `disconnected` to describe the reason why the bouncer is disconnected. TODO: more attributes ### Examples Binding to a network: C: CAP LS 302 C: NICK emersion C: USER emersion 0 0 :Simon S: CAP * LS :sasl=PLAIN soju.im/bouncer-networks soju.im/bouncer-networks-notify C: CAP REQ :sasl soju.im/bouncer-networks [SASL authentication] C: BOUNCER BIND 42 C: CAP END Listing networks: C: BOUNCER LISTNETWORKS S: BATCH +asdf soju.im/bouncer-networks S: @batch=asdf BOUNCER NETWORK 42 name=Freenode;state=connected S: @batch=asdf BOUNCER NETWORK 43 name=My\sAwesome\sNetwork;state=disconnected S: BATCH -asdf Adding a new network: C: BOUNCER ADDNETWORK name=OFTC;host=irc.oftc.net S: BOUNCER NETWORK 44 name=OFTC;host=irc.oftc.net;status=connecting S: BOUNCER ADDNETWORK 44 S: BOUNCER NETWORK 44 status=connected Changing an existing network: C: BOUNCER CHANGENETWORK 44 realname=Simon S: BOUNCER NETWORK 44 realname=Simon S: BOUNCER CHANGENETWORK 44 Removing an existing network: C: BOUNCER DELNETWORK 44 S: BOUNCER NETWORK 44 * S: BOUNCER DELNETWORK 44