soju(1) # NAME soju - IRC bouncer # SYNOPSIS *soju* [options...] # DESCRIPTION soju is a user-friendly IRC bouncer. It connects to upstream IRC servers on behalf of the user to provide extra features. - Multiple separate users sharing the same bouncer, each with their own upstream servers - Clients connecting to multiple upstream servers via a single connection to the bouncer - Sending the backlog (messages received while the user was disconnected from the bouncer), with per-client buffers When joining a channel, the channel will be saved and automatically joined on the next connection. When registering or authenticating with NickServ, the credentials will be saved and automatically used on the next connection if the server supports SASL. When all clients are disconnected from the bouncer, the user is automatically marked as away. soju supports two connection modes: - Single upstream mode: one downstream connection maps to one upstream connection. To enable this mode, connect to the bouncer with the username "/". If the bouncer isn't connected to the upstream server, it will get automatically added. Then channels can be joined and parted as if you were directly connected to the upstream server. - Multiple upstream mode: one downstream connection maps to multiple upstream connections. Channels and nicks are suffixed with the network name. To join a channel, you need to use the suffix too: _/join #channel/network_. Same applies to messages sent to users. For per-client history to work, clients need to indicate their name. This can be done by adding a "@" suffix to the username. # OPTIONS *-h, -help* Show help message and quit. *-config* Path to the config file. If unset, a default config file is used. *-debug* Enable debug logging (this will leak sensitive information such as passwords). *-listen*
Listening address (default: ":6667"). # CONFIG FILE The config file has one directive per line. *listen*
Listening address (default: ":6667"). *hostname* Server hostname (default: system hostname). *tls* Enable TLS support. The certificate and the key files must be PEM-encoded. *sql* Set the SQL driver settings. The only supported driver is "sqlite3". The source is the path to the SQLite database file. By default, the path to the database file is "soju.db". *log* Path to the bouncer logs root directory, or empty to disable logging. By default, logging is disabled. # IRC SERVICE soju exposes an IRC service called *BouncerServ* to manage the bouncer. Commands can be sent via regular private messages (_/msg BouncerServ [args...]_). Commands may be written in full or abbreviated form, for instance *network* can be abbreviated as *net* or just *n*. *help* [command] Show a list of commands. If _command_ is specified, show a help message for the command. *network create* *-addr* [options...] Connect to a new network at _addr_. _-addr_ is mandatory. _addr_ supports several connection types: - _[ircs://]host[:port]_ connects with TLS over TCP - _irc+insecure://host[:port]_ connects with plain-text TCP Other options are: *-name* Short network name. This will be used instead of _addr_ to refer to the network. *-username* Connect with the specified username. By default, the nickname is used. *-pass* Connect with the specified server password. *-realname* Connect with the specified real name. By default, the nickname is used. *-nick* Connect with the specified nickname. By default, the account's username is used. *network delete* Disconnect and delete a network. *network status* Show a list of saved networks and their current status. # AUTHORS Maintained by Simon Ser , who is assisted by other open-source contributors. For more information about soju development, see