package main import ( "bufio" "context" "flag" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/url" "os" "strings" "unicode" "" "" ) const usage = `usage: znc-import [options...] Imports configuration from a ZNC file. Users and networks are merged if they already exist in the soju database. ZNC settings overwrite existing soju settings. Options: -help Show this help message -config Path to soju config file -user Limit import to username (may be specified multiple times) -network Limit import to network (may be specified multiple times) ` func init() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), usage) } } func main() { var configPath string users := make(map[string]bool) networks := make(map[string]bool) flag.StringVar(&configPath, "config", "", "path to configuration file") flag.Var((*stringSetFlag)(&users), "user", "") flag.Var((*stringSetFlag)(&networks), "network", "") flag.Parse() zncPath := flag.Arg(0) if zncPath == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var cfg *config.Server if configPath != "" { var err error cfg, err = config.Load(configPath) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to load config file: %v", err) } } else { cfg = config.Defaults() } ctx := context.Background() db, err := soju.OpenDB(cfg.SQLDriver, cfg.SQLSource) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to open database: %v", err) } defer db.Close() f, err := os.Open(zncPath) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to open ZNC configuration file: %v", err) } defer f.Close() zp := zncParser{bufio.NewReader(f), 1} root, err := zp.sectionBody("", "") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to parse %q: line %v: %v", zncPath, zp.line, err) } l, err := db.ListUsers(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to list users in DB: %v", err) } existingUsers := make(map[string]*soju.User, len(l)) for i, u := range l { existingUsers[u.Username] = &l[i] } usersCreated := 0 usersImported := 0 networksImported := 0 channelsImported := 0 root.ForEach("User", func(section *zncSection) { username := section.Name if len(users) > 0 && !users[username] { return } usersImported++ u, ok := existingUsers[username] if ok { log.Printf("user %q: updating existing user", username) } else { // "!!" is an invalid crypt format, thus disables password auth u = &soju.User{Username: username, Password: "!!"} usersCreated++ log.Printf("user %q: creating new user", username) } u.Admin = section.Values.Get("Admin") == "true" if err := db.StoreUser(ctx, u); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to store user %q: %v", username, err) } userID := u.ID l, err := db.ListNetworks(ctx, userID) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to list networks for user %q: %v", username, err) } existingNetworks := make(map[string]*soju.Network, len(l)) for i, n := range l { existingNetworks[n.GetName()] = &l[i] } nick := section.Values.Get("Nick") realname := section.Values.Get("RealName") ident := section.Values.Get("Ident") section.ForEach("Network", func(section *zncSection) { netName := section.Name if len(networks) > 0 && !networks[netName] { return } networksImported++ logPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("user %q: network %q: ", username, netName) logger := log.New(os.Stderr, logPrefix, log.LstdFlags|log.Lmsgprefix) netNick := section.Values.Get("Nick") if netNick == "" { netNick = nick } netRealname := section.Values.Get("RealName") if netRealname == "" { netRealname = realname } netIdent := section.Values.Get("Ident") if netIdent == "" { netIdent = ident } for _, name := range section.Values["LoadModule"] { switch name { case "sasl": logger.Printf("warning: SASL credentials not imported") case "nickserv": logger.Printf("warning: NickServ credentials not imported") case "perform": logger.Printf("warning: \"perform\" plugin commands not imported") } } u, pass, err := importNetworkServer(section.Values.Get("Server")) if err != nil { logger.Fatalf("failed to import server %q: %v", section.Values.Get("Server"), err) } n, ok := existingNetworks[netName] if ok { logger.Printf("updating existing network") } else { n = &soju.Network{Name: netName} logger.Printf("creating new network") } n.Addr = u.String() n.Nick = netNick n.Username = netIdent n.Realname = netRealname n.Pass = pass n.Enabled = section.Values.Get("IRCConnectEnabled") != "false" if err := db.StoreNetwork(ctx, userID, n); err != nil { logger.Fatalf("failed to store network: %v", err) } l, err := db.ListChannels(ctx, n.ID) if err != nil { logger.Fatalf("failed to list channels: %v", err) } existingChannels := make(map[string]*soju.Channel, len(l)) for i, ch := range l { existingChannels[ch.Name] = &l[i] } section.ForEach("Chan", func(section *zncSection) { chName := section.Name if section.Values.Get("Disabled") == "true" { logger.Printf("skipping import of disabled channel %q", chName) return } channelsImported++ ch, ok := existingChannels[chName] if ok { logger.Printf("channel %q: updating existing channel", chName) } else { ch = &soju.Channel{Name: chName} logger.Printf("channel %q: creating new channel", chName) } ch.Key = section.Values.Get("Key") ch.Detached = section.Values.Get("Detached") == "true" if err := db.StoreChannel(ctx, n.ID, ch); err != nil { logger.Printf("channel %q: failed to store channel: %v", chName, err) } }) }) }) if err := db.Close(); err != nil { log.Printf("failed to close database: %v", err) } if usersCreated > 0 { log.Printf("warning: user passwords haven't been imported, please set them with `sojuctl change-password `") } log.Printf("imported %v users, %v networks and %v channels", usersImported, networksImported, channelsImported) } func importNetworkServer(s string) (u *url.URL, pass string, err error) { parts := strings.Fields(s) if len(parts) < 2 { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("expected space-separated host and port") } scheme := "irc+insecure" host := parts[0] port := parts[1] if strings.HasPrefix(port, "+") { port = port[1:] scheme = "ircs" } if len(parts) > 2 { pass = parts[2] } u = &url.URL{ Scheme: scheme, Host: host + ":" + port, } return u, pass, nil } type zncSection struct { Type string Name string Values zncValues Children []zncSection } func (s *zncSection) ForEach(typ string, f func(*zncSection)) { for _, section := range s.Children { if section.Type == typ { f(§ion) } } } type zncValues map[string][]string func (zv zncValues) Get(k string) string { if len(zv[k]) == 0 { return "" } return zv[k][0] } type zncParser struct { br *bufio.Reader line int } func (zp *zncParser) readByte() (byte, error) { b, err := if b == '\n' { zp.line++ } return b, err } func (zp *zncParser) readRune() (rune, int, error) { r, n, err := if r == '\n' { zp.line++ } return r, n, err } func (zp *zncParser) sectionBody(typ, name string) (*zncSection, error) { section := &zncSection{Type: typ, Name: name, Values: make(zncValues)} Loop: for { if err := zp.skipSpace(); err != nil { return nil, err } b, err := if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { return nil, err } switch b[0] { case '<': if b[1] == '/' { break Loop } else { childType, childName, err := zp.sectionHeader() if err != nil { return nil, err } child, err := zp.sectionBody(childType, childName) if err != nil { return nil, err } if footerType, err := zp.sectionFooter(); err != nil { return nil, err } else if footerType != childType { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid section footer: expected type %q, got %q", childType, footerType) } section.Children = append(section.Children, *child) } case '/': if b[1] == '/' { if err := zp.skipComment(); err != nil { return nil, err } break } fallthrough default: k, v, err := zp.keyValuePair() if err != nil { return nil, err } section.Values[k] = append(section.Values[k], v) } } return section, nil } func (zp *zncParser) skipSpace() error { for { r, _, err := zp.readRune() if err == io.EOF { return nil } else if err != nil { return err } if !unicode.IsSpace(r) { return nil } } } func (zp *zncParser) skipComment() error { if err := zp.expectRune('/'); err != nil { return err } if err := zp.expectRune('/'); err != nil { return err } for { b, err := zp.readByte() if err == io.EOF { return nil } else if err != nil { return err } if b == '\n' { return nil } } } func (zp *zncParser) sectionHeader() (string, string, error) { if err := zp.expectRune('<'); err != nil { return "", "", err } typ, err := zp.readWord(' ') if err != nil { return "", "", err } name, err := zp.readWord('>') return typ, name, err } func (zp *zncParser) sectionFooter() (string, error) { if err := zp.expectRune('<'); err != nil { return "", err } if err := zp.expectRune('/'); err != nil { return "", err } return zp.readWord('>') } func (zp *zncParser) keyValuePair() (string, string, error) { k, err := zp.readWord('=') if err != nil { return "", "", err } v, err := zp.readWord('\n') return strings.TrimSpace(k), strings.TrimSpace(v), err } func (zp *zncParser) expectRune(expected rune) error { r, _, err := zp.readRune() if err != nil { return err } else if r != expected { return fmt.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", expected, r) } return nil } func (zp *zncParser) readWord(delim byte) (string, error) { var sb strings.Builder for { b, err := zp.readByte() if err != nil { return "", err } if b == delim { return sb.String(), nil } if b == '\n' { return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %q before newline", delim) } sb.WriteByte(b) } } type stringSetFlag map[string]bool func (v *stringSetFlag) String() string { return fmt.Sprint(map[string]bool(*v)) } func (v *stringSetFlag) Set(s string) error { (*v)[s] = true return nil }