Zed ab36664ad2
Use Karax html rendering instead of source filters (#2)
* Use Karax html rendering instead of source filters
2019-07-11 00:42:31 +02:00

22 lines
708 B

import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
import ../types, ../utils
proc linkUser*(profile: Profile, class=""): VNode =
isName = "username" notin class
href = "/" & profile.username
nameText = if isName: profile.fullname
else: "@" & profile.username
buildHtml(a(href=href, class=class, title=nameText)):
text nameText
if isName and profile.verified:
span(class="icon verified-icon", title="Verified account"): text ""
if isName and profile.protected:
span(class="icon protected-icon", title="Protected account"): text "🔒"
proc genImg*(url: string; class=""): VNode =
img(src=url.getSigUrl("pic"), class=class, alt="Image")