import strutils, strformat, algorithm, times import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles] import ../types, ../search import tweet, renderutils proc getQuery(timeline: Timeline): string = if timeline.query.isNone: "?" else: genQueryUrl(get(timeline.query)) proc getTabClass(timeline: Timeline; tab: string): string = var classes = @["tab-item"] if timeline.query.isNone or get(timeline.query).kind == multi: if tab == "posts": classes.add "active" elif $get(timeline.query).kind == tab: classes.add "active" return classes.join(" ") proc renderSearchTabs(timeline: Timeline; username: string): VNode = let link = "/" & username buildHtml(ul(class="tab")): li(class=timeline.getTabClass("posts")): a(href=link): text "Tweets" li(class=timeline.getTabClass("replies")): a(href=(link & "/replies")): text "Tweets & Replies" li(class=timeline.getTabClass("media")): a(href=(link & "/media")): text "Media" proc renderNewer(timeline: Timeline; username: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="status-el show-more")): a(href=("/" & username & getQuery(timeline).strip(chars={'?'}))): text "Load newest tweets" proc renderOlder(timeline: Timeline; username: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="show-more")): a(href=(&"/{username}{getQuery(timeline)}after={timeline.minId}")): text "Load older tweets" proc renderNoMore(): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="timeline-footer")): h2(class="timeline-end", style={textAlign: "center"}): text "No more tweets." proc renderNoneFound(): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="timeline-header")): h2(class="timeline-none", style={textAlign: "center"}): text "No tweets found." proc renderProtected(username: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="timeline-header timeline-protected")): h2: text "This account's tweets are protected." p: text &"Only confirmed followers have access to @{username}'s tweets." proc renderThread(thread: seq[Tweet]): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="timeline-tweet thread-line")): for i, threadTweet in thread.sortedByIt(it.time): renderTweet(threadTweet, "thread", index=i, total=thread.high) proc threadFilter(it: Tweet; tweetThread: string): bool = it.retweet.isNone and it.reply.len == 0 and it.threadId == tweetThread proc renderTweets(timeline: Timeline): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(id="posts")): var threads: seq[string] for tweet in timeline.tweets: if tweet.threadId in threads: continue let thread = timeline.tweets.filterIt(threadFilter(it, tweet.threadId)) if thread.len < 2: renderTweet(tweet, "timeline-tweet") else: renderThread(thread) threads &= tweet.threadId proc renderTimeline*(timeline: Timeline; username: string; protected: bool; multi=false): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv): if multi: tdiv(class="multi-header"): text username.replace(",", " | ") if not protected: renderSearchTabs(timeline, username) if not timeline.beginning: renderNewer(timeline, username) if protected: renderProtected(username) elif timeline.tweets.len == 0: renderNoneFound() else: renderTweets(timeline) if timeline.hasMore or timeline.query.isSome: renderOlder(timeline, username) else: renderNoMore()