{ lib, config, kubenix, ... }: let homepage-config = { bookmarks = []; services = [ { Media = [ { Plex = { icon = "plex.png"; href = "https://app.plex.tv"; description = "Plex"; widget = { type = "plex"; url = ""; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_PLEX_KEY}}"; }; }; } { Jellyseerr = { icon = "jellyseerr.png"; href = "https://request-media.gmem.ca"; description = "Request movies and TV shows"; widget = { type = "jellyseerr"; url = "https://request-media.gmem.ca"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_JELLYSEERR_KEY}}"; }; }; } { Transmission = { icon = "transmission.png"; description = "Download progress for torrents"; widget = { type = "transmission"; url = ""; }; }; } ]; } { "Personal Infrastructure" = [ { authentik = { icon = "authentik.png"; href = "https://authentik.gmem.ca"; description = "OIDC SSO"; }; } { Tailscale = { icon = "tailscale.png"; href = "https://login.tailscale.com"; description = "VPN provider"; }; } { Git = { icon = "forgejo.png"; href = "https://git.gmem.ca"; description = "Git forge"; }; } { Grafana = { icon = "grafana.png"; href = "https://grafana.gmem.ca"; description = "Monitoring & metrics"; widget = { type = "grafana"; url = "https://grafana.gmem.ca"; username = "api@localhost"; password = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_GRAFANA_PASSWORD}}"; }; }; } { NextDNS = { icon = "nextdns.png"; href = "https://my.nextdns.io/bcee89/setup"; description = "DNS provider"; widget = { type = "nextdns"; profile = "bcee89"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_NEXTDNS_KEY}}"; }; }; } { "Proxmox" = { icon = "proxmox.png"; href = "https://proxmox.gmem.ca"; description = "Homelab proxmox"; widget = { type = "proxmox"; url = "https://proxmox.gmem.ca"; username = "api@pam!homepage"; password = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_PROXMOX_PASSWORD}}"; }; }; } { "Immich" = { icon = "immich.png"; href = "https://photos.gmem.ca"; description = "Image hosting"; widget = { type = "immich"; url = "https://photos.gmem.ca"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_IMMICH_KEY}}"; }; }; } { "NextDNS Tailscale" = { icon = "nextdns.png"; href = "https://my.nextdns.io/74c6db/setup"; description = "Tailnet DNS provider"; widget = { type = "nextdns"; profile = "74c6db"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_NEXTDNS_KEY}}"; }; }; } { "Paperless-ngx" = { icon = "paperless-ngx.png"; href = "https://docs.gmem.ca"; description = "Document storage and indexing"; }; } ]; } { Reading = [ { miniflux = { icon = "miniflux.png"; href = "https://rss.gmem.ca"; description = "Miniflux RSS Reader"; }; } { "Lobste.rs" = { href = "https://lobste.rs"; description = "News aggregator"; }; } { "Hacker News" = { href = "https://news.ycombinator.com"; description = "VC news aggregator"; }; } ]; } { "Floofy.tech Infrastructure" = [ { Mastodon = { icon = "mastodon.png"; href = "https://floofy.tech"; description = "Primary Mastodon instance"; widget = { type = "mastodon"; url = "https://floofy.tech"; }; }; } { Grafana = { icon = "grafana.png"; href = "https://grafana.services.floofy.tech"; description = "Metrics and Monitoring"; }; } { vSphere = { icon = "vmware-esxi.png"; href = "https://vcenter.services.floofy.tech"; description = "Hypervisor Manager"; }; } { "vrclub.social" = { icon = "calckey.png"; href = "https://vrclub.social"; description = "Firefish instance for VR clubs"; }; } ]; } { "Tools" = [ { "IT Tools" = { icon = "it-tools.png"; href = "https://tools.gmem.ca"; description = "Various useful tools"; }; } { Cyberchef = { icon = "cyberchef.png"; href = "https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/"; description = "More useful tools, mostly text manipulation"; }; } ]; } { "Backup Status" = [ { "gsimmer backups" = { icon = "healthchecks.png"; href = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; description = "Uptime monitor for recurring tasks"; widget = { type = "healthchecks"; url = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_HEALTHCHECKS_KEY}}"; uuid = "617d460f-69f6-444f-852a-421861543327"; }; }; } { "becki backups" = { icon = "healthchecks.png"; href = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; description = "Uptime monitor for recurring tasks"; widget = { type = "healthchecks"; url = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_HEALTHCHECKS_KEY}}"; uuid = "9d01d3dd-2a56-4c70-9b5c-9cb99a1466db"; }; }; } { "apps backups" = { icon = "healthchecks.png"; href = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; description = "Uptime monitor for recurring tasks"; widget = { type = "healthchecks"; url = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; key = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_HEALTHCHECKS_KEY}}"; uuid = "37a854b0-9191-4452-aa30-df3969d59b09"; }; }; } ]; } ]; settings = { title = "Arch's Homepage"; providers.openweathermap = "{{HOMEPAGE_VAR_WEATHER_KEY}}"; background = { image = "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1502790671504-542ad42d5189?auto=format&fit=crop&w=2560&q=80"; blur = "sm"; opacity = 50; }; base = "https://home.gmem.ca"; layout.Media.style = "row"; layout.Media.columns = "3"; layout."Personal Infrastructure".style = "row"; layout."Personal Infrastructure".columns = "3"; layout."Backup Status".style = "row"; layout."Backup Status".columns = "3"; }; kubernetes.mode = "cluster"; widgets = [ { logo.icon = "https://gmem.ca/avatar.png"; } { kubernetes = { cluster.show = true; nodes.show = true; }; } { search = { provider = "duckduckgo"; }; } { openweathermap = { provider = "openweathermap"; cache = 5; units = "metric"; }; } ]; }; in { kubernetes.helm.releases.homepage = { namespace = "homepage"; chart = kubenix.lib.helm.fetch { repo = "https://jameswynn.github.io/helm-charts"; chart = "homepage"; version = "1.2.3"; sha256 = "sha256-tZv/+ePFPifilp8wU4FjogSJhNEERx0PcdHUzsBxfRA="; }; # arbitrary attrset passed as values to the helm release values = { replicaCount = 2; image = { repository = "ghcr.io/gethomepage/homepage"; tag = "latest"; }; serviceAccount.create = true; enableRbac = true; config = homepage-config; ingress.main = { enabled = true; ingressClassName = "nginx"; hosts = [ { host = "home.gmem.ca"; paths = [ { path = "/"; pathType = "Prefix"; } ]; } ]; tls = [ { hosts = ["home.gmem.ca"]; secretName = "gmem-ca-wildcard"; } ]; }; }; }; kubernetes.resources.deployments.homepage = { metadata.namespace = "homepage"; spec.template = { metadata.annotations."gmem.ca/homepage-config-hash" = builtins.hashString "md5" (builtins.toJSON homepage-config); spec.containers.homepage.envFrom = [{secretRef.name = "homepage-config";}]; }; }; }