{ config, pkgs, ... }: # let # py = pkgs.python3.override { # packageOverrides = final: prev: { # django = prev.django_4; # }; # }; # pydantic-edge = py.pkgs.pydantic.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { # version = "2.3.0"; # src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { # owner = "pydantic"; # repo = "pydantic"; # rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; # hash = "sha256-toqrWg8bYzc3UmvG/YmXawfmT8nqaA9fxy24k1cdj+M="; # }; # patches = [ ]; # }); # healthchecks-edge = pkgs.healthchecks.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { # version = "unstable-2023-09-24"; # pname = "healthchecksedge"; # src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { # owner = "healthchecks"; # repo = "healthchecks"; # rev = "507fd840d8c83a1685c8cccf47c67f939f295da1"; # hash = "sha256-EBfZQ41kc/H2BgzCPW0QZ8Js2DHU3ps4U1YaTZnGqg8="; # }; # propagatedBuildInputs = with py.pkgs; [ # apprise # cron-descriptor # cronsim # django # django-compressor # fido2 # minio # psycopg2 # pycurl # pydantic-edge # pyotp # segno # statsd # whitenoise # ]; # passthru = { # # PYTHONPATH of all dependencies used by the package # pythonPath = py.pkgs.makePythonPath propagatedBuildInputs; # }; # doCheck = false; # }); # in { imports = [ ./hardware.nix ./networking.nix # generated at runtime by nixos-infect ]; age.secrets.healthchecks-secret = { file = ../../secrets/monitoring-healthchecks-secret.age; owner = "healthchecks"; }; age.secrets.healthchecks-smtp = { file = ../../secrets/fastmail-smtp.age; owner = "healthchecks"; }; age.secrets.healthchecks-telegram = { file = ../../secrets/healthchecks-telegram.age; owner = "healthchecks"; }; age.secrets.prometheus-webconfig-secret = { file = ../../secrets/monitoring-prometheus-webconfig.age; owner = "prometheus"; mode = "775"; }; age.secrets.prometheus-password-secret = { file = ../../secrets/monitoring-prometheus-password.age; owner = "prometheus"; }; boot.tmp.cleanOnBoot = true; zramSwap.enable = true; networking.hostName = "monitoring"; networking.domain = ""; services.openssh.enable = true; users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ ''ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBDjEgtIWPA5Ncs/KOcMeT6Q/HACJJetDOLjMvXXwUE+08oTX1EpHrWPpy8J+UHKIyErCNPYq8dgtrbhnMRlxHqI='' ]; networking.firewall.enable = false; services.grafana = { enable = true; settings.server = { domain = "grafana.gmem.ca"; http_port = 2342; http_addr = ""; }; }; services.loki = { enable = true; configuration = { server.http_listen_port = 3030; auth_enabled = false; ingester = { lifecycler = { address = ""; ring = { kvstore = { store = "inmemory"; }; replication_factor = 1; }; }; chunk_idle_period = "1h"; max_chunk_age = "1h"; chunk_target_size = 999999; chunk_retain_period = "30s"; max_transfer_retries = 0; }; schema_config = { configs = [{ from = "2022-06-06"; store = "boltdb-shipper"; object_store = "filesystem"; schema = "v11"; index = { prefix = "index_"; period = "24h"; }; }]; }; storage_config = { boltdb_shipper = { active_index_directory = "/var/lib/loki/boltdb-shipper-active"; cache_location = "/var/lib/loki/boltdb-shipper-cache"; cache_ttl = "24h"; shared_store = "filesystem"; }; filesystem = { directory = "/var/lib/loki/chunks"; }; }; limits_config = { reject_old_samples = true; reject_old_samples_max_age = "168h"; }; chunk_store_config = { max_look_back_period = "0s"; }; table_manager = { retention_deletes_enabled = false; retention_period = "0s"; }; compactor = { working_directory = "/var/lib/loki"; shared_store = "filesystem"; compactor_ring = { kvstore = { store = "inmemory"; }; }; }; }; }; services.promtail = { enable = true; configuration = { server = { http_listen_port = 3031; grpc_listen_port = 0; }; positions = { filename = "/tmp/positions.yaml"; }; clients = [{ url = "${toString config.services.loki.configuration.server.http_listen_port}/loki/api/v1/push"; }]; scrape_configs = [{ job_name = "journal"; journal = { max_age = "12h"; labels = { job = "systemd-journal"; host = "monitoring"; }; }; relabel_configs = [{ source_labels = [ "__journal__systemd_unit" ]; target_label = "unit"; }]; }]; }; }; services.alertmanager-ntfy = { enable = true; settings = { http = { addr = ""; }; ntfy = { baseurl = "https://ntfy.gmem.ca"; notification = { topic = "alerts"; priority = '' status == "firing" ? "high" : "default" ''; templates = { title = ''{{ if eq .Status "resolved" }}Resolved: {{ end }}{{ index .Annotations "summary" }}''; description = ''{{ index .Annotations "description" }}''; click = ''http://grafana.gmem.ca/d/{{ index .Annotations "dashboard" }}''; }; }; }; }; }; services.prometheus = { enable = true; webConfigFile = config.age.secrets.prometheus-webconfig-secret.path; globalConfig = { scrape_interval = "15s"; }; alertmanagers = [ { basic_auth = { username = "homelab"; password_file = config.age.secrets.prometheus-password-secret.path; }; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "localhost:9093" ]; } ]; } ]; rules = [(builtins.toJSON { groups = [{ name = "healthchecks"; rules = [ { alert = "HealthcheckFailedCheckin"; expr = ''hc_check_up < 1''; for = "5m"; labels.severity = "page"; annotations = { summary = "{{ $labels.name }} healthcheck failed"; description = "The {{ $labels.name }} healthcheck failed to check in."; dashboard = "f594ea85-45f2-4019-b988-2d17638b5cf3"; }; } ]; }]; })]; alertmanager = { enable = true; extraFlags = [ "--web.config.file=${config.age.secrets.prometheus-webconfig-secret.path}" ]; webExternalUrl = "https://alerts.gmem.ca"; configText = '' global: {} # The directory from which notification templates are read. templates: - '/etc/alertmanager/template/*.tmpl' # The root route on which each incoming alert enters. route: group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service'] group_wait: 0s group_interval: 5m repeat_interval: 3h # A default receiver receiver: ntfy receivers: - name: ntfy webhook_configs: - url: http://localhost:8111/hook ''; }; port = 9001; extraFlags = [ "--web.enable-remote-write-receiver" ]; scrapeConfigs = [ { job_name = "personal_hardware"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "london:9100" "vancouver:9100" "localhost:9100" ]; } ]; } { job_name = "speedtest-exporter"; scrape_interval = "1h"; scrape_timeout = "1m"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "vancouver:9798" ]; } ]; } { job_name = "syncthing"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "vancouver:8384" "london:8384" ]; } ]; } { job_name = "forgejo"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "git.gmem.ca" ]; } ]; } { job_name = "coredns"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "vancouver:9253" ]; } ]; } { job_name = "healthchecks"; scrape_interval = "60s"; metrics_path = "/projects/5f1de50f-a52d-4215-961f-aae7cc6cf6c9/metrics/TbMoU7SUdknzMe-H5Q4HzmKl3itOIrJk"; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "localhost:8000" ]; } ]; } { job_name = "blackbox"; metrics_path = "/probe"; params = { "modules" = [ "http_2xx" ]; }; static_configs = [ { targets = [ "google.com" "gabrielsimmer.com" "artbybecki.com" ]; } ]; relabel_configs = [ { source_labels = ["__address__"]; target_label = "__param_target"; } { source_labels = ["__param_target"]; target_label = "instance"; } { source_labels = []; target_label = "__address__"; replacement = "vancouver:9115"; } ]; } ]; exporters.node = { enable = true; listenAddress = ""; enabledCollectors = [ "systemd" "processes" ]; }; }; services.tailscale.enable = true; services.healthchecks = { enable = true; # package = healthchecks-edge; settings = { SECRET_KEY_FILE = config.age.secrets.healthchecks-secret.path; SITE_ROOT = "https://healthchecks.gmem.ca"; SITE_NAME = "Archs Healthchecks"; EMAIL_HOST = "smtp.fastmail.com"; EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD_FILE = config.age.secrets.healthchecks-smtp.path; EMAIL_HOST_USER = "g@gmem.ca"; DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "healthchecks@gmem.ca"; TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME = "arch_healthchecks_bot"; TELEGRAM_TOKEN_FILE = config.age.secrets.healthchecks-telegram.path; }; }; # nginx reverse proxy services.nginx = { enable = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedBrotliSettings = true; recommendedZstdSettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; recommendedTlsSettings = true; recommendedProxySettings = true; virtualHosts.${config.services.grafana.settings.server.domain} = { default = true; enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "${toString config.services.grafana.settings.server.http_port}"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }; virtualHosts."healthchecks.gmem.ca" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = ""; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }; }; security.acme.acceptTerms = true; security.acme.defaults.email = "acme@gmem.ca"; system.stateVersion = "23.11"; }