Experimenting with kubenix

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Simmer 2023-10-19 12:47:18 +01:00
parent a73d60c4be
commit 86cfde1fce
Signed by: arch
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:m3OEcdtrnBpMX+2BDGh/byv3hrCekCLzDYMdvGEKPPQ
4 changed files with 170 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -95,6 +95,22 @@
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View file

@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
alertmanager-ntfy.url = "github:alexbakker/alertmanager-ntfy";
kubenix.url = "github:hall/kubenix";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixos-generators, nixinate, home-manager, agenix, terranix, alertmanager-ntfy, nixpkgs-wayland}:
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixos-generators, nixinate, home-manager, agenix, terranix, alertmanager-ntfy, nixpkgs-wayland, kubenix }@inputs:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
tf = terranix.lib.terranixConfiguration {
@ -52,7 +53,13 @@
format = "sd-aarch64-installer";
packages.x86_64-linux = {
kubernetes = (kubenix.evalModules.x86_64-linux {
module = { kubenix, ... }: {
imports = [ kubenix.modules.k8s ./homelab/kubernetes.nix ];
apps = nixinate.nixinate.x86_64-linux self // {
x86_64-linux = {
tf-plan = {

homelab/kubernetes.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
{ config, kubenix, ... }: {
imports = [ kubenix.modules.k8s
(import ./tclip.nix) ];

homelab/tclip.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
appName = "tclip";
litestreamImage = "litestream/litestream:sha-749bc0d";
tclipImage = "git.gmem.ca/arch/tclip:arm";
kubernetes.resources.statefulSets.tclip.spec = {
selector.matchLabels.app = appName;
serviceName = appName;
template = {
metadata.labels.app = appName;
spec = {
volumes = {
litestream.configMap.name = "tclip-litestream";
config.configMap.name = "tclip";
initContainers.init-litestream = {
image = litestreamImage;
args = ["restore" "-if-db-not-exists" "-if-replica-exists" "-v" "/data/data.db" ];
volumeMounts = [
{ name = "data"; mountPath = "/data"; }
{ name = "litestream"; mountPath = "/etc/litestream.yml"; subPath = "tclip.yml"; }
envFrom = [ { secretRef.name = "tclip-litestream-s3"; } ];
containers = {
tclip = {
image = tclipImage;
imagePullPolicy = "Always";
volumeMounts = [ { name = "data"; mountPath = "/data"; } ];
env = [
{ name = "DATA_DIR"; value = "/data"; }
{ name = "USE_FUNNEL"; value = "true"; }
litestream = {
image = litestreamImage;
args = [ "replicate" ];
volumeMounts = [
{ name = "data"; mountPath = "/data"; }
{ name = "litestream"; mountPath = "/etc/litestream.yml"; subPath = "tclip.yml"; }
envFrom = [ { secretRef.name = "tclip-litestream-s3"; } ];
ports.metrics.containerPort = 9090;
volumeClaimTemplates = [
{ metadata.name = "data";
spec = {
storageClassName = "nfs-client";
accessModes = [ "ReadWriteOnce" ];
resources.requests.storage = "1Gi";