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#+title: Current Infrastructure (2022)
#+date: 2022-07-11
*** Keep it interesting
My personal infrastructure has evolved quite significantly over the years, from
a single Raspberry Pi 1, to a Raspberry Pi 2 and ThinkCenter mini PC, to my
current setup consisting of two Raspberry Pis, a few cloud servers, and a NAS that
is currently being put together.
At the heart of my infrastructure is my [[][tailnet]]. All machines, server, desktop, mobile, whatever,
get added to the network, mostly for ease of access. One of my Pis at home serves as an exit
node, exposing my home's subnet (sometimes called dot-fifty because of the default subnet the
router creating) so I can access the few devices that I can't install Tailscale on. The
simplicity of adding new devices to the network has proved very useful, and has encouraged me to
adopt this everything-on-one-network approach.
The servers on the network run a few key pieces of infrastructure. At home, the same Pi that
serves as the Tailscale exit node also runs [[][k3s]] to coordinate the hosting of my Vaultwarden,
container registry, and [[][hue webapp]] applications. This same Pi also serves Pihole, which has yet
to be moved into k3s (but it will be soon). While k3s is a fairly optimised distribution of
Kubernetes, it does beg the question "why deploy it? why not just run docker, or docker compose,
or whatever else?". The simple answer is "I wanted to". The other simple answer is that it is
an excellent learning exercise. I deal with Kubernetes on a fairly regular basis both at my
day job and at [[][Furality]] (I'll be writing a dedicated post delving into the tech powering that),
so having one or two personal deployments doesn't hurt for experimentation and learning. Plus,
it's actually simplified my workflow for deploying applications to self host, and forced me to
setup proper CI/CD workflows to push things to my personal container registry. This isn't
anything special, just [[][Docker's own registry server]] which I can push whatever images I want and
pull them to whatever machine I need, provided said machine is connected to the tailnet.
Thankfully Tailscale is trivial to use in CI/CD pipelines, so I don't ever have to expose
this registry to the wider internet.
Also at home I have my media library, which runs off a Raspberry Pi 4b connected to a 4TB external
hard drive. This is the first thing that will be moved to the NAS being built, as it can struggle
with some media workloads. It hosts an instance of [[][Jellyfin]] for watching things back, but I tend
to use the exposed network share instead, since the Pi can sometimes struggle to encode video
to serve through the browser. Using it as a "dumb" network share is mostly fine, but you do
lose some of the nice features that come with a more full featured client, like resuming playback
across devices or a nicer interface for picking what to watch. There's really nothing much more
to say about this Pi. When the NAS is built, the work it does will be moved to that, and the k3s
configuration currently running on my Pi 3b will move to it. At that point it's likely I'll
actually cluster the two together, depending whether I find another workload for it.
Over in the datacenter world, I have a few things running that are slightly less critical. For
starters, I rent a 1TB storage box from [[][Hetzner]] for backing things up off-site. Most of it is just
junk, and I really should get around to sorting it out, but there's a lot of files and directories
and it's easier to just lug it around (I say that, it might actually be easier to just remove
most of it since I rarely access the bulk of it). This is also where backups of my Minecraft server
are sent to on a daily basis. This Minecraft server runs on [[][Oracle Cloud's free tier]], specifically
on a 4-core 12GB ARM based server. It performs pretty well considering it's only really me and my
girlfriend playing on the server, and while I may not be the biggest fan of Oracle, it doesn't
cost me anything (I do keep checking to make sure though!). Also running on Oracle Cloud is an
instance of [[][Uptime Kuma]], which is a fairly simple monitoring tool that makes requests to whatever
services I need to keep an eye on every minute or so. This runs on the tiny AMD-based server
the free tier provides, and while I ran into a bit of trouble with the default request interval
for each service (it's currently monitoring 12 different services), randomising the intervals
a bit seems to have smoothed everything out.
Among the services being monitored is a small project I'm working on that is currently hosted
on a Hetzner VPS. This VPS is also running k3s, and serves up [[][]] while I work on the beta
version. The setup powering it is fairly straightforward, with a Kubernetes deployment pulling
images from my container registry, the container image itself being built and pushed with
[[][sourcehut]]'s build service. Originally, I tried hosting this on the same server as the Minecraft
server, but despite being able to build images for different architectures, it proved very slow
and error prone, so I opted to instead grab a cheap VPS to host it for the time being. I don't
forsee the need to scale it up anytime soon, but it will be easy enough to do.
A fair number of services I deploy or write rely on SQLite as a datastore, since I don't see much
point in deploying/maintaining a full database server like Postgres, so I've taken to playing
around with [[][Litestream]], which was recently "aquired" by This replicates over to the
aforementioned Hetzner storage box, and I might add a second target to the configuration for
peace of mind.
Speaking of, I also leverage that! Mostly as an experiment, but I did have a valid
use case for it as well. My girlfriend does comissions for VRChat avatars, and needed a place to
showcase her work. I opted to build out a custom headless CMS and simple frontend (with Go and
SvelteKit, respectively) to create [[][Art by Becki]]. I'm no frontend dev, but the design is simple
enough and the "client" is happy with it. The frontend itself is hosted on CloudFlare Pages (most
of my sites or services have their DNS managed through CloudFlare), and images are served from
Backblaze B2. I covered all this in my previous post [[/posts/creating-an-artists-website/][Creating an Artist's Website]] so you
can read more about the site there. My own website (and this blog) is hosted with GitHub Pages,
so nothing to really write about on that front.
And with that, I think that's everything I currently self host, and how. I'm continuing to refine
the setup, and my current goals are to build the NAS I desperately need and find a proper solution
for writing/maintaining a personal knowledgebase. Be sure to either follow me on Mastodon [[][]]
or Twitter [[][]]. I'm sure I'll have a followup post when I finally get my NAS built
and deployed, with whatever trials and tribulations I encounter along the way.