local wezterm = require 'wezterm'; return { automatically_reload_config = true, font = wezterm.font("IBM Plex Mono"), window_close_confirmation = "NeverPrompt", font_size = 12, initial_cols = 120, initial_rows = 35, colors = { -- The default text color foreground = "#f7f1ff", -- The default background color background = "#222222", -- Overrides the cell background color when the current cell is occupied by the -- cursor and the cursor style is set to Block cursor_bg = "#8b888f", -- Overrides the text color when the current cell is occupied by the cursor cursor_fg = "#f7f1ff", -- Specifies the border color of the cursor when the cursor style is set to Block, -- of the color of the vertical or horizontal bar when the cursor style is set to -- Bar or Underline. cursor_border = "#8b888f", -- the foreground color of selected text selection_fg = "#363537", -- the background color of selected text selection_bg = "#69676c", -- The color of the scrollbar "thumb"; the portion that represents the current viewport scrollbar_thumb = "#222222", -- The color of the split lines between panes split = "#fce566", tab_bar = { -- The color of the strip that goes along the top of the window background = "#222222", -- The active tab is the one that has focus in the window active_tab = { -- The color of the background area for the tab bg_color = "#f7f1ff", -- The color of the text for the tab fg_color = "#69676c", -- Specify whether you want "Half", "Normal" or "Bold" intensity for the -- label shown for this tab. -- The default is "Normal" intensity = "Normal", -- Specify whether you want "None", "Single" or "Double" underline for -- label shown for this tab. -- The default is "None" underline = "None", -- Specify whether you want the text to be italic (true) or not (false) -- for this tab. The default is false. italic = false, -- Specify whether you want the text to be rendered with strikethrough (true) -- or not for this tab. The default is false. strikethrough = false, }, -- Inactive tabs are the tabs that do not have focus inactive_tab = { bg_color = "#69676c", fg_color = "#f7f1ff", -- The same options that were listed under the `active_tab` section above -- can also be used for `inactive_tab`. }, -- You can configure some alternate styling when the mouse pointer -- moves over inactive tabs inactive_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#69676c", fg_color = "#f7f1ff", italic = true, -- The same options that were listed under the `active_tab` section above -- can also be used for `inactive_tab_hover`. } } } }